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Mother's POV

I then heard crying. A baby crying as it takes it's first breath. My baby girl. She's here. I thought. Tears left my eyes as I saw her beautiful face. My midwife handed me my child. She looked so peaceful. She's perfect. I thought. "Hi angel. I love you." I said. She then smiled and that made me smile. "Do you have a name for her?" The midwife said. I looked at her and then looked back at my baby. I smiled. "(Y/n)." I said. When I said her name, she opened her beautiful (e/c) eyes. She had her father's eyes. I started to tear up. "Are you alright?" The midwife said. I looked at her and smiled. "I'm fine." I said. I touched (Y/n)'s soft (h/c) hair and smiled. "No matter what, mommy will always love." I said as I kissed her forehead.

*3 Years Later*

"Mommy! Look at what I found!" (Y/n) said as she wobbled towards me. She was holding a book. She could barely keep it in her hands. It looked so heavy. She showed me and I examined the book. An alchemy book. It's his. I thought. I quickly grabbed it from her and put in on top of a shelf. "Mommy! Dat was miiiine!" She yelled. I looked at her and sighed. "Hey! Want mommy to do your hair and make it pretty?" I said. Her eyes glimmered and she smiled widely. "Come on." I held my hand out for her so I can sit her down.

As I put the last bow in her hair, I thought more about her father. I missed him so much. I felt a tear stroll down my cheek. I wiped it off and smiled. "Okay, hun. We're all done. Turn around and give me a smile." I said. (Y/n) turned around and smiled. "Am I beautiful now, mommy?" She said as she looked into my eyes with her (e/c) ones. "You've always been beautiful and you always will be." He told me that too. I said as I kissed her forehead. "Mommy, why are you crying?" She said as she pointed at my tears. I wiped them away quickly. I picked her up and held her to the air, smiling as she smiled back. I set her down. "I'm going to get dinner started. Will you stay here and be a good girl?" I said. She nodded and sat down. I turned around as more tears fell. Please come home.

*6 Years Later*

(Y/n)'s POV

After dinner, I waited for mommy to go to sleep. When I heard her lightly snoring, I knew it was time to begin what I always do. I grabbed the alchemy book that mommy hid from me when I was little. Now I'm hiding it from her. I opened it up and read where I left off. I read about transmutation and equivalent exchange. "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost." I read to myself. I was in complete awe. I wanted to try to transmute something.

I drew a transmutation circle with chalk mommy got me. After I finished drawing, I looked at it for a moment. It didn't look perfect but I was something. I clapped my hands together and slammed them onto the ground. "OW OW OW! MY HANDS! AUGH!" I yelled. I threw my body onto the ground in pain. After a bit I looked at the transmutation circle. Nothing happened. I guess I have to read more.

The next morning, I ate cereal at the kitchen table. My mom sat next to me with her warm tea. She took a sip and signed. She looked at me with a smirk. "So. What was the screaming about last night?" She said. Busted. I thought. "Mommy I can expl-" She cut me off. "I'll let you learn alchemy. But you have to be careful. Do you understand?" She said. I quickly nodded and smiled. She leaned over and kissed my cheek. As she stood up to clean the dishes I said: "Mommy. You're beautiful." She turned around and smiled. "So are you, my dear." She said.

*2 Years Later*

"(Y/n), dear, I'm going out to get some groceries. Don't open the door for anyone and don't go anywhere, okay?" She said as she headed to the front door. I ran to her and smiled. "You promise you'll be back?" I said. She bent down to me and smiled, holding out her pinky. "I promise." She said softly. I wrapped my pinky around hers but quickly unwrapped it, giving her a big hug. She smiled and whispered in my ear. "I'll never leave you, honey. I love you." "I love you too, mom." I said as I broke the hug. "I'll see you later." She said with a smile. She walked out and I closed the door behind her. I wanted to do something nice for her. I ran to the center of the living room. I moved the furniture out of the way and grabbed the alchemy book. I drew a transmutation circle and took a deep breath. Please work. I thought. I closed my eyes and used all my concentration. I slowly opened my left eye and saw lights sparking. I smiled widely. "YES!" I exclaimed.

*3 hours later*

Gosh, when is mom coming home? The grocery store isn't far from here at all. Maybe her grocery list was extra long. I set mom's gift on the kitchen table and sighed. I'm getting kind of sleepy. I thought. I went to my room and lied down on my bed. Maybe she'll be here when I wake up. I thought to myself as I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I ran to the living room. "Mom!" I yelled. I looked all around the house for her. Where is she? I thought. I know she said not to go anywhere but I opened the front door. "Moooooom!" I yelled again. I didn't get a response. I went back inside and sat against a wall and sighed. I then heard a knock and I quickly got up. I opened the door with a huge smile. "Mom?" I said. It wasn't her. My smile quickly faded. It was a man who was a bit slouchy. He had his hat to his chest and his face looked kinda glum. "Are you (Y/n) (L/n)?" He asked. "M-mhm" I answered. "I'm really sorry to inform you but your mother... Your mother has been murdered by an unknown being." He said.

My heart literally dropped. I didn't want to cry in front of this stranger. I smiled just like my mother would. "Thank you for telling me." My vision began to get blurry due to the tears that were getting collected. I slowly closed the door. I set my back onto the door and let the tears finally fall.

Man's POV

I put my ear against the door and heard (Y/n) crying. I smiled. My work here is done. She's no longer a threat. Just like her father. I said to myself as I transformed back to my lovely body. "Envy. Come on." I heard. "Okay okay" I said as I rolled my eyes. All I heard was screaming and tears. Music to my ears

(Y/n)'s POV

Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back. Please bring her back.

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