Chapter Twenty Six // Alternative Ending

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My vision is a blur. My heart aches and my body aches. My mind is... aching and confused. I can't comprehend what is going on or how to prepare for what may go on. My feet were cold from the pouring rain and the mud. I felt gross. I didn't feel like myself. Once I was a girl who just wanted to learn about alchemy but now I am a girl who is on her last legs. I slowly pick myself up and being to walk, trying to find Ariana and Edward.

"Ariana! Edward!" I yelled as my voice cracked. I clear my throat and yell again. "Ariana! Edward!" I say. I see a basement with the smallest amount of light, but it definitely stood out from the dark sky and heavy rain fall. I slowly walked over there and kneel down, covering my legs with mud. I see a lock - I light it up slightly with my hand and examined it. It was cold and rusty. I pulled a hair clip from my hair and picked the lock. It's rust fell onto my hands, making my palms looks brown. I lift up the basement doors and my eyes immediately meet with those eyes... those damn golden eyes that just know how to melt my heart any chance they can get.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw not only Ariana, but also Edward. My body froze. I couldn't comprehend what to do next. I kept staring at him. My heart started to throb. "Hey boo... mind getting us out?" Ariana said. I looked at her, noticing the dark circles under her eyes. I held my hand out for Ariana, with Edward standing behind her. I slowly pull her up with the energy that I had. She stands behind me as I hold my hand out for Edward. He slowly grabbed my hand and my heart skipped another beat. His hands still felt so... warm.

As he came back up to the wet surface, I started to feel so sleepy and fatigue. I slowly stood up and turned out, looking at both Ariana and Edward. I was completely speechless. "Brother!" We heard as clanking became louder and louder. We all looked over to see Alphonse, running towards us. The ran had stopped, so thankfully his blood seal wouldn't be erased. "Al!" Edward yelled, delighted to see that his brother was okay.

Soon, I felt my legs become weak. I felt myself fall onto the moist ground. "(Y/n)!" Edward said, running to me. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I saw Ariana behind him, covering her mouth in shock with Al right next to her. The last thing I saw was Edward's golden eyes.


"So it seems my hooligan of a daughter let you out?" I heard. I turned around and saw (Y/n)'s father. I felt my blood boil. "Ariana... look after (Y/n)." I said as I stood up. "Right." She said as she set (Y/n)'s head on her thigh.

"Why do you want to keep her so bad when all you're going to do is put her through hell?" I yelled as I clenched my fists. He didn't answer me.

"All of a sudden you can't talk you bastard?!" I yelled. He still refused to answer me. "You'll be talking soon enough...!" I said as I ran to him, holding my fist up. Before I could lay a hit on me, a huge transmuted wall came in front of me. My face was in pain and I feel onto the ground. "Brother!" Al yelled.

My body was aching. I saw (Y/n)'s father look over me. He was smirking ear to ear. He had something a sharp ax in his hand. "As (Y/n)'s father, it's my job to make sure she doesn't get hurt by boys like you... I must protect her." He said. As he was about to swing, Al tackled him, throwing him onto the ground and pinning his arms down.

"You will NOT hurt my brother!" He yelled. I soon got the strength to get back up to help my brother. I kicked the weapon out of his hands. (Y/n)'s father kicked Al off of him, making a loud clank sound. He tried to run towards his ax, but to our surprise, someone already had it in their possession.


I held the weapon close to me as my consciousness came back. "(Y/n)... put it down. You need to rest." Al said. My whole body was shaking. "N-no... I want to do something for once... this is not your issue." I said as I looked at Edward, who's eyes were both in worry and in shock.

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