Chapter Five

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Alphonse's POV

(Y/n) wasn't responding whatsoever. I didn't know what was wrong with. I kept running as fast as I could while she was in my arms. She didn't seem very responsive. She just looked down.

The moment we got to the room, I quickly opened the door and slammed it shut with my foot. I set (Y/n) down on the couch and pulled a chair next to her to sit down. I looked at her. "(Y/n)..." I waved my hand in her face. She blinked a couple of times and looked at me. "Are you okay?" I asked. I then looked at her and saw "BLOOD! Y-YOU'RE BLEEDING! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" I said running to the bathroom.

I looked under the sink and saw some bandages and disinfectant. I grabbed them and ran back to see that (Y/n) was asleep.

Edward's POV

I walked down the sidewalk with nothing but streetlights on. My hands were clenched together and my eyes were filled with anger. The nerve... the audacity Envy had.

I arrived at the hotel and took the elevator to my room. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I wish I could've been there sooner. The elevator doors opened and I walked to the room door. I opened and shut the light on. I saw (Y/n) and quickly ran to her. I then saw that she was sleeping so I stopped myself. She had bandages around her and her eyes were kinda puffy.

I assume Al was in the other room because he wasn't in the main room. I sat in a chair next to her and watched her. I don't know what Envy said but it did mess her up. Maybe she will say something tomorrow?

(Y/n)'s POV

I slowly opened my eyes with a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down to see bandages and blood staining. I looked around. I wasn't in the dark room anymore? I sighed in relief. I look over my shoulder and saw Ed, sleeping. Was he watching over me? "Oh you're awake. Are you okay?" Al said as he walked up to me. "Y-yeah." I said with my voice quiet. "Do you need anything?" "Water would be great." I said, clearing my throat. He nodded and walked to the kitchen.

I then saw Edward's eyes open. His honey colored eyes look into my (e/c) colored eyes. "(Y-Y/n)! You're awake." He said as he walked towards me. "Are you okay? Is there anything I can help you with?" He said with a smile as he was glad to see me well (I guess.). "Al is getting me some water so it's okay. Thank you though." I said. Al then came back to me with a glass of water. I tried sitting up but I couldn't. I was in too much pain. "Can you help, Ed?" I asked. "Yeah sure." He said as he set on hand on my back. He held my hand with his free hand and helped my sit up. I lightly blushed. He moved his hands away from my body and grabbed the glass of water, handing it to me. I took a sip of it and gave it back to him.

He set it down and sat next to me, Al did the same. God did this make me uncomfortable. I quickly got up, wincing a bit, and smiled. "I really have to get home. I don't like to leave my mom often." I said. I like to think my mom is still subconsciously with me. It makes me feel comforted and safe. "Thank you for everything, though." I smiled. Before I could walk out, Edward grabbed my hand and Alphonse was standing behind him. He gave me a stare.

"Me and Al are taking you home. You don't have a choice this time." He said. "We want to make sure you get home safely." Alphonse said. "It's fine. Re--" Edward cut me off. "Come on. We don't want to keep your mother waiting!" He said, walking out the door his hand still on my arm.

As were walking, I stopped. My wounds were getting really painful. I set my hand on them and groaned a bit. Ed and Al looked back at me and ran to me. Edward set his hand on my back. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Alphonse asked. I shook my head and groaned some more. "Maybe you should pick her up, Brother." Edward light blushed and sighed. He picked me up and stared into my (e/c) eyes, blushing a deeper color of red.

When we finally got on the train, I started to think about what that Envy guy told me. "You want to know who killed you're precious mother?" "Yours truly." Those words kept pacing through my head. I felt tears stroll down my face but I quickly wiped them away. I didn't know how to feel anymore. I just felt discouraged and hopeless. I just want to go home. I don't know how much longer I can take sitting on this damn train.

Edward's POV

I glanced over at (Y/n) and saw tears leaving her eyes. I didn't want to make it a big deal... even though it was. I really want to know what happened but I doubt she's gonna tell us. Damn that Envy. I thought. (Y/n) looked weak. I felt sorry for her. I wish I could just make her pain go away.

When we arrived, (Y/n) didn't stand up. She didn't leave her eyes off the window. Al lightly shook her. "(Y/n)? Isn't this your stop?" He asked. She looked at him slowly with her (e/c) eyes no longer glimmering. They looked dull and cold. "Mhm." She said. Al helped her up and walked her off the train.

She started to walk slowly down the path to her house. This kinda reminds me of home. She didn't seem to be in pain anymore. Me and Al followed looked at each other and looked back at her. We felt really bad for her.

Once we arrived at her home, she slowly opened the door and stopped, breathing in and out. She walked in, leaving the door open for me and Al. Alphonse closed the door behind us and we looked out. The aroma of pines filled the house.

(Y/n) went to her room and started crying. As Alphonse was about to go to her, I stopped him with my arm. "Leave her." I said, looking at him. He nodded and we sat down on the couch.

She slowly came out and wiped the last bit of tears off her face. "(Y/n)... maybe we should spend the night here. Just to make sure you're okay." Alphonse suggested. I looked at him with a 'really?' expression. I guess he was kinda right... considering the circumstances. "Hm." She said with a slight nod. She didn't really seem to care all that much.

"You can take my room. I'll sleep in the other room." She said. We both nodded.
She went to the other room and the door. We just sat there all alone.

We looked at each other and signed. "We should probably get settled." I said. "Right." Alphonse said as we both got up. When we entered her room, I sat on her bed and Alphonse looked around the room. He picked up a picture and looked at it. I walked over to him and tried looking at the picture, but I was too short. So I stood on my toes. I saw a woman with short (h/c) hair and green eyes. Her smile looked just like (Y/n)'s. "This must be her mother." Al said. I then got the idea that her mother passed. I felt a turn in my stomach. I felt really bad for her.

That night, I couldn't really slept. I kept thinking about (Y/n) and Envy. I knew that (Y/n) wasn't psychologically stable. "Brother?" I heard. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah." I said. "What do you think happened? With (Y/n) and Envy..." He asked. It was silent for a bit. Then we both heard screaming and crying from the other room. We quickly shot up and ran to the other room.

When we got the room, the door was locked. I slammed my side into it but I wouldn't budge. "Help me Al!" I yelled. "R-right!" He said, doing the same. The door finally opened and what was saw made us freeze immediately.

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