Chapter Seven

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Edward's POV

"OOF! HEY TAKE IT EASY!" I yelled as I hit the hard ground. Alphonse laughed and (Y/n) sighed. "I can't! I have to be as strong as possible to become a state alchemist! You know that you dork!" She said with a giggle. She offered me her hand. I grabbed her hand. I smirked and kicked her feet, making her fall. I stood up and set my hands on my hips. "Looks like you need to pay a little more attention." I said.

"Not fair, brother!" Al said. "It totally is fair! You gotta keep your eyes open!" I said. "That is true, (Y/n). You gotta keep your guard up. Other than that, you could still beat Ed senseless!" He said with a giggle. I shot him a glare. She stood up and stretched her arms.

"It's getting kinda late. Maybe I should start heading home." (Y/n) said as she looked at the sky. Me and Al really didn't feel comfortable with her going back and forth. We talked about it and we thought maybe she should stick with us. Maybe we could help each other. Plus, I want to get close to her. WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING!? I groaned and rubbed my head.

"Uh.. Ed? Are you okay?" She asked. I stopped and looked at her, blushing a bit. "(Y/n). Me and Brother were thinking and we thought you could stay with us. We think it's kinda weird that you go back and forth just to train. It would be so great at to have you! Plus, Edward could get closer to you." He said. I could tell he was smirking. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I said. Without thinking, I punched him. And not with my automail arm. I groaned in pain and held my throbbing hand, giving Al a stare.

"No it's fine! The trip isn't bad at all. Plus, I don't think I could leave that house. But thanks for the offer. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She said as she grabbed her things. She walked off and headed to the train station. Both me and Al sighed and looked at each other. We both nodded and ran after her. "Wait! (Y/n)!" I said. She stopped and turned around.

"What is it?" She asked. "We'll... help... you move... in..." I said in between breathes. "We just feel bad about how much you do. Please!" Al said. "Guys. I really appreciate the gesture but my answer is final. You guys are super sweet for asking me, though. Thanks but no thanks." She said as turned back around.
We both sighed and headed back to our hotel room.

I lied down on my bed and sighed, holding my arm up high. "We need to make a trip to Winry's..." I stated. Al looked at me. "How come? Is your automail all messed up?" He asked. "I don't know. It's been feeling funny lately." I answered with a sigh. "Maybe (Y/n) could go and meet Winry! They would get along perfectly!" Al said happily. I thought about it for a second and smiled. I ran out of bed and called (Y/n), irregardless of what time it was.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ri-

(Y/n) yawned before answering.


"Hey! I need you to--"

"Ed? Do you have any idea what time it is!? It's two in the God damn morning. What is it?"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Hey. I need you to pack your suitcase."

"Oh my gosh I told you--"

"Its not that! Just do it, Kay?"

She scoffed a bit. "Fine!" She said, hanging up.

I put the phone down and smiled. I went back to bed and looked up at the ceiling. "You seem happy. You planning something for (Y/n)?" He said. I shot him a stare.

(Y/n)'s POV

"OH MY GOSH WHERE ARE MY SHOES!?" I yelled as I grabbed my suitcase. I deeply sighed as I saw that they were right next to my bed. "You suckers were hiding from me!" I said. I quickly slid my (f/c) shoes on. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair a bit. "Ew." I said as I grabbed my suitcase and ran out the door.

When I got on the train, I was the first one to get on. There were so many seats to choose from. I decided to sit near the exit of the train. I held my suitcase close and sighed. I really hope Ed isn't setting me up. I swear I will beat him to the ground if he is. Along with Al too. But especially Edward. That asshole.

I looked out the window and I felt my face get hot. What's going on? I thought. Please don't tell me it's because of Edward. Think of something else! Kittens! Yeah! Cute little... DONUT KITTENS! PERFECT! Ed hates cats... DAMN!

I kept thinking about Ed and those cute golden eyes... his lovely golden hair... that smile... Augh! I'm going to scream my head off. I DON'T LIKE ED! I DON'T LIKE ED! I DON'T. LIKE. ED! I hit my head and sigh. Please don't tell me I'm falling for him.

Once the train stopped, I quickly grabbed my things and walked out. My face still felt hot. "Hey! (Y/n)! Over here!" Al yelled as he waved his hand in the air. I walked over to him. "Are you okay? Your face is pretty red." Al asked. "Hm? Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled. I then saw Ed with food in his hands. He was literally stuffing his face. "Can you not stuff your face for once?" I said. "I find it funny that you eat so much be grow so little." I smirked. He dropped the food out of his hands and growled at me. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" He yelled.

"So. Why did I have to bring my suitcase?" I said, setting my hands on my hips. Ed and Al looked at each other. "We want to take you somewhere!" They said in together. "Uh. Where to?" I asked. "You'll just have to trust us!" Ed said with a smirk. I blushed. His smile could break a million hearts.

Author's Note:

Yes! I changed the title. But don't worry, everything is the same. Special thanks to CharaTheFallenHuman for the help! Give her a follow! She's amazing. Sorry for the short chapter. Until next time!

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