Chapter Twenty One

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(Y/n)'s POV

We look around all of the place to find Ariana. We didn't run because we didn't want to cause any suspicion. "We have to tell someone. Wasn't Ariana with Havoc?" Asked Al. I looked back at him. "We can't tell anyone. Just give me some time to look for her." I said, continuing to walk. "(Y/n). She left with an OFFICER. We have to tell the Colonel." Ed said. "I don't really think it's your decision. I'M her friend, not you."

I turned around and walked towards him with my blood boiling. "And frankly, I didn't ask you or Alphonse to come help me. I thought I could use the help but I've come to realize that it isn't needed with your extremely sudden concerns and all, considering what happened before. I can handle it myself. I don't need any of your help. I didn't need it when shit got real and I won't need it now."

My walked off until something stopped me.

"I didn't help you because you pushed me away." I heard Ed say. "You pushed everyone away." Ed added.

I stood there as I clenched my fists.

"So what? We were supposed to stick around when you were violent?"

I turned around with my eyes watery. "Ariana stayed and helped me get back up on my feet. She didn't give up on me."

"That's because you didn't realize Ariana was there and you didn't push Ariana down on the hard wood floor. Yes, I could've stayed. But I didn't know what to do. You push everyone away from you. I stayed by your side ever since I met you. Don't pin this on me. It wasn't my fault for leaving. I tried to stay but you kept pushing me." He said, looking into my eyes.

"Brother!" Al yelled.

I looked at him as tears fell from my
eyes. I raised my fist as if I was about to hit him. He just looked at me, quickly glancing at my fist but looking into my (e/c) eyes. I held my breath, letting more tears falls. I put my fist down and turn around, running as far away from him as possible.

Edward's POV

As I saw her running away, I immediately felt bad but I feel like something got off my chest. Al looked at me and slapped me. I held my cheek and looked at him. "What the hell was that for?"

"What is wrong with you? You are sometimes so blind! You know what (Y/n) has been through. You couldn't be a bit less harsh?!" He yelled.

I looked at him and groaned. He then pointed down the hall. "Go get her!" He yelled once again.

I deeply sighed and ran down the hell, trying to catch up to (Y/n). But she was long gone...

Ariana's POV

"So... I bet you are some lady killer, huh?" I said as me and Havoc sat down at a table in front of a cafe. "Nah, not really. I'm just trying to find my soul mate." He said as he stirred his coffee. I lightly blushed and smiled. "Do you think you'll find her?" I asked, looking at him with a light tint of blush on my cheeks.

He looked at me and chuckled, leaving a slight smirk on his face. "I don't know. I think I may give up." He said as he sipped his coffee, not breaking eye contact at all.

"I'm sure that you'll find her soon enough. You got the charm for it." I said with a smile. He looked into my eyes and my heart melted. Then I heard sudden breathing. It got closer and closer. Then I saw a familiar figure.

I stood up, setting my hand on my pistol that was hooked on the back of my pants. As I got closer, I saw (Y/n)... crying? I stopped her and set my hands on her shoulders, trying to get her attention. "What's the matter with you?" I asked. She looked at me and quickly moved her shoulders out of her grasp.

"Where the hell were you!? Why would you break out!? You're already in enough trouble, Ariana!" She yelled. "Actually she didn't break out. I let her out." Havoc said, walking next to me. (Y/n) looked at us as if she was disgusted.

"Are you fucking serious? Come on I'm are taking you back." She said as she grabbed my arm. "That won't be necessary." We heard. We looked over and saw the Colonel. The hell with this guy.

"We can take her just fine." He said with his right hand woman was standing next to him. Next to her was Alphonse, hiding a bit. He glanced over at Havoc. "How could you let her get out? Your duty was to keep watch. Not to go do some lovey-dovey affairs." He said sternly.

"Please sir. Don't punish her. Punish me, instead." Havoc pleaded.

"Oh trust me you both are going to pay for what you've done."

I was sick of it. I looked at Mustang and took a deep breath. "I'll tell you everything if it means keeping out of trouble." I said. He lifted his eyebrow and looked at both me and Havoc. We were both panicking on the inside.

"Hurry and come with me. We'll see how things go." He said as he started heading back to headquarters. Me and Havoc looked at each other and started following. I looked over my shoulder and saw (Y/n) sitting in a chair with her head resting on her arms. I didn't want to leave her in that condition. Hopefully those boys can help her while I'm gone.

(Y/n)'s POV

What is the matter with me? Why do I all of a sudden care about how he feels or how anyone feels? Ariana was nice to me and Edward was... nice to me, along with Alphonse. What the hell is wrong with me? As all of these thoughts ran through my brain I kept hitting on my head.

Something cold grabbed my arm, preventing to make the last hit. I turned around and saw Alphonse. I moved my hand out of his grasp and set my hands on my lap. "What do you want?" I asked.

He sat next to me and looked into my eyes with his red, lifeless ones. "You can't beat yourself up. But you both do need to apologize to you both. You did push everyone away. But I understand. WE understand. But you have to let us help you. Please (Y/n)." He said.

I looked at him and sighed. I hugged his cold armor. He was shocked at first but he hugged back. I pulled away and stood up. Al did the same. "Ed went to go look for you. I'll help you to find him." Al said. I nodded and with that we headed to headquarters since that's where we saw him last.

We make it back to headquarters and start looking everywhere. We walked past the Colonel's office. I heard light sobbing. I walked towards the door and put my head against it, listening on in.

"He made these hybrids... he used all typed of things to make these things. They were usually plastered with blood. And he would put blades into them as if it was a method of protection for us and for those around us." I heard. Is Ariana talking about her father?

Me and Al heard footsteps so naturally we looked towards where it was coming from. We then saw Ed coming down the hall with his breathing heavy. "Ed! Where did you go!?" Al said. "I was looking for (Y/n)... I guess I found her." He said as he looked at me.

"I'm really sorry for everything! No it's my fault! Don't worry about it!" We said in sync. Al giggled which was contagious. I smiled at him and he did the same. Once again, I got lost in his golden eyes. For some reason... this felt... normal.

I put my ear back onto the door, resuming on listening to the conversation. "What are you doing?" Asked Ed. I looked at him and out my index finger over my mouth, gesturing him to be quiet.

I keep listening in. "Tell me more about the murder of your mother. What lead to him to kill your mother?" Mustang asked.

The room fell silent.

"Ariana?" He said.


We jumped. Oh no.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the bad chapter! Thank you for all the support and being so sweet! It really warms my heart when I get comments and messages for you guys! I love you all so much. I'll make sure I update soon!

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