Chapter Four

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(Y/n)'s POV

I heard muffling while trying to get my consciousness back. My breathing was short and I had a massive headache. "What should we do with her?" "We can't just leave her here." "We gotta get rid of her." My eyes kept opening and closing. I couldn't stay awake for the life of me.

"Wake up." I heard. I slowly opened my eyes and looked in front of me. A girl... a boy? I'm going to assume male due to the masculinity. A guy was in front of me with a wide grin on his face. I couldn't move and my mouth was covered by something. I looked around to find out  I was in a dark room. I looked down and my arms were tied to a chair. I saw red eyes in the distance. My heart was racing. "Glad to see your eyes finally opened." He said. I started breathing loudly and my eyes got watery. He rolled his eyes and snatched the tape off me mouth, giving me a slight sting. I started struggling to get out but to no avail. "Stop struggling you aren't going to leave." He said with a sigh.

I continued to struggle, thinking that I could do it. The guy growled. He slapped me across my face, leaving a mark. I stopped and look down with tears falling onto my jeans. "That's enough you brat!" He said. I looked straight into his cold black eyes with my (e/c) ones. "Who are you?" I said with a serious tone. "Oh look at you all bad." He said with a chuckle. He lifted my chin up with his finger and smirked. I quickly turned my head away from his finger, giving him a cold stare. "Who are you?" I repeated.

"You don't know who I am? I'm kinda hurt." He said with a smirk. I looked at him an angry look but confused. Right before my eyes, I saw man. A familiar man. My eyes were wide and I gasped.

"I'm really sorry to inform you but your mother... Your mother has been murdered by an unknown being." He said with a chuckle. "You wanna know who killed your precious mother?" He asked. I stayed silent, holding in my tears. "Yours truly." He said with a bow, changing into his original form.

Edward's POV

It was late at night when I got a call. I groaned and tried to ignore it. But I couldn't. I slowly got up and went towards to phone. "Hello?" I said with my voice raspy. "Fullmetal. I have a mission for you." I heard. The colonel. That bastard. "This late?" I said. "There's been report of a girl getting taken by someone who looks similar, almost identical to you. I need you to get to the bottom of it if you want to keep your 'good reputation'." He said coldly. My eyes shot open. I had an idea what was going on but I didn't know what. I hung up the phone and quickly put on some clothes. "Come on Al." I said, putting my coat on. "Where are we going?" He asked. I ignored him and ran out. He sighed and quickly followed.

We found an Ally way and turned there.
We then found a door that leads underground but it had a lock on it. I set my ear onto it to see if I heard anything suspicious. "You... YOU BASTARD." I heard. (Y/n)?

(Y/n)'s POV

My eyes quickly got filled with anger. "You...YOU BASTARD." I yelled. He only laughed. "You really do take after your father." He said. I looked at him with surprised eyes. "After I'm done with you you'll be almost alike." He said, walking towards me. I kicked him and growled a bit. I then felt something sharp hit my stomach. I let out a groan and looked down. It was thin. "Foolish girl. You humans just don't know when to behave, do you?" I heard. I then saw a women with long black hair and a very... feminine... body. Her index finger was out, pointing at my finger. Her finger was long. Was that stabbing me? I thought. She got her finger... thing... out of my stomach and groaned once more.

She walked towards me, hips swaying and a slight grin. She flipped her hair and walk towards me, squeezing my cheeks together with one hands together. She moved my head from left to right. "You're his daughter alright. We have no choice to kill you. You're in our way and in Fullmetal and his brother's way." She said, removing her hands. I'm in Ed and Al's way? "But since you want to be ever so bad, we'll make you suffer." She said with a grin.

She stabbed me with not one but two fingers, repeatedly. I held in my screams and just looked at her. Someone grabbed my head and pulled it back a bit. It was that palm tree guy again. "It's not fun to hear you scream." He said. He then pulled out a knife and sliced my skin on my cheek. I felt my blood drop down onto my hand. He light rubbed the tip of the of blade on my body. Shivers ran down my back.

"Don't. You. Touch her." I heard. We all turned around and saw him. Edward and Alphonse. "Nice of you to join the fun." The palm tree said. "Save it Envy." Edward said as he positioned himself to fight. Envy? I thought. "Why is (Y/n) with you?" Alphonse asked. "That's none of your business. All you need to know it she'll be gone before you know it." Envy said a smirk, touching my face. I closed my eyes and deeply sighed. Before I knew it, Edward charged at Envy. Alphonse ran to my aid. "Are you okay?" I didn't respond. I really didn't feel like talking. He started to untie the ropes where my arms were tied up. "Al! Take (Y/n) back to the hotel! I'll meet you guys there later." Ed said while he fought. "But brother..." Al drifted off. "NOW AL!" He yelled.

"Come on (Y/n)." Al said. I stood still. "(Y/n) we kinda NEED TO GO." I stayed silent. He groaned and picked me up, running out of the dark room.

Edward's POV

Every punch I threw didn't seem to effect Envy at all. All he did was smirk. I started to think. I had to wait for the perfect moment to charge. Envy threw a punch to my left, so I moved over to my right. Perfect. Now! I elbowed him in the side, making him fall on the ground. Before he could stand, I set my knee on his throat, looking at him with nothing but anger in my eyes. I then got a good couple of punches in, screaming and yelling. Before I could get one more punch in, I froze. He turned into (Y/n).

(Y/n) Envy smirked. "What's the matter?" He said, looking innocent. I got lost in those (e/c) eyes. Snap out of it, Ed! I dug my knee deeper into his throat as I clapped my hands together and made a spear with the ground. I stabbed the spear through Envy, making sure it stood up. Envy coughed up some blood. I removed my knee and stood up, looking at him with fire in my eyes. I looked away and walked out.

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