Chapter One

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(Y/n)'s POV

I wake up to the sunshine hitting my face. I slowly sit up and stretch my upper body. I crack my knuckles and sit on the edge of my bed. I stretch my legs, letting out a moan. I smile and stand up. I walk to my window and open it, letting some fresh air in. I breathe in the fresh smell of grass. I smile as I do this. I look over to my nightstand. I walk over to the picture of my mother. It's been 4 years since her passing (I was 11 when she passed. I'm 15 now.). I touch the portrait and sigh. "I miss you mom." I say. I really do miss her but I get stronger everyday.

I head to my bathroom and look myself in the mirror. I make a few faces before getting started with the day. I shut the bathroom door and turn on the shower. I take off my pajamas and underwear. I look at my body for a second. I shook my head and stepped into the shower. I grab the bar of soap and start cleaning myself off. I quickly wash my (h/l) (h/c) hair before turning off the shower. I freeze as I think about some stuff. Some really deep stuff. As soon I got out of my trance, I rinsed myself and my hair off and turn off the water. I step out of the shower and grab my towel. I dry my hair and wrap the towel around my body, exiting the bathroom.

I go to my room and look in my closet, contemplating on what to wear. I grab some jeans and a fitted (f/c) shirt. I put on some underwear. Ugh it's such a hassle to put on a bra! I finally snap it together and start putting on my clothes. I comb my (h/l) (h/c) hair real quick. I decide whether or not I should put it up or not. After a bit, I decide not to.

I walk into the living room and deeply sigh, setting my hands on my hips. I've lived in the house by myself for awhile now. It doesn't get too lonely. I've gotten used to it. I do take good care of it if I do say so myself. I still remember that day. That day when my heart would never be the same. I sigh and grab a broom to begin clean. I sweep the living room, kitchen, and my room. I sneeze as the dust goes up my nose. I rub the bottom of my nose and continue cleaning. As I kept sweeping, I glanced over at a room with a closed door. It's my mother's room. I quickly look away, trying not to think about it too much.

As I started to finish up, I look over at the clock. It's about lunch time. Perfect. I put the broom away and ran to my room. I bent down to look under my bed. I grab my alchemy book. I grab my (f/c) backpack and put my book in it. I put my socks on and my favorite (f/c) shoes. I put the backpack on my back and walk to the front door. I look at the house before closing the door.

I walk down the dirt road that leads to the train station. I always go to the city after my chores. I go to this small library and study my alchemy there. I love the sound of my feet against the dirt. I kick around a rock as I walk. I look ahead of me and see nothing but hills upon hills. The sun is set perfectly upon them. It makes me so happy. The sight of the country side helps me stay strong. It kinda has its own way telling my everything is going to be okay.

Once I finally arrived at the train station, I take a deep breath. I always get crazy anxiety when I'm at the train station. I'm still not used to all these people. My anxiety gets worse when I get in the city. I go and pay for a ticket to go to the city and one to come back. Mom left some money and I work part time at a small flea market near my house so that's how I'm able to pay for this. I walk to where the trains will arrive and sit on a bench. I'm glad no one is sitting here. I set my hands on my lap and look around. I'm still amazed by the sight of the train station. The light chatter in the atmosphere always amuses me.

When I heard the train coming, I quickly stood up and walked towards the tracks. My hair flew the left as the train passed by. Once it came to a complete stop, I straighten up my posture and took another deep breath. The doors opened and I got onto the train. I sat in the first empty seat that I found and sat next to window. I took off my backpack next to me. Usually no one sits next to me, which is fine. I don't really want to socialize with anyone. I looked out the window and looked at the sight of people walking around, people getting off and on trains, and a distinct reflection of myself on the window.

The train ride from home to the city usually takes about an hour. I always get amazed by the different landscapes that we pass by. It's just amazing. I decide that maybe I should sleep a little. Maybe time will pass a bit.

"Sweetie, what are you doing?" Mom said. I quickly turned around and I hid what I had in my hands behind my back. She walked up to me with a glare. "What is in your hands? Show me." She said. I was hesitant but I showed her. "Is this daddy, mommy?" I asked. She looked at the picture with wide eyes. She covered her mouth as tears slowly fell. She snatched the picture out of my hands and put it in her pocket of her apron. "Why are you crying, mommy?" I said as I tilted my head. My mother fell onto her knees and cried her eyes out. I didn't know what to do. I hugged her tightly, not saying a word. All I heard was my mother crying heavily.

I shot my eyes open. I look out the window and I finally arrived to central. That was a crazy dream. The train came to a complete stop and I quickly grabbed my backpack. I got off the train as fast as possible. I sigh. I sat down on a bench. I needed a second to calm down. I bury my face into my hands. I did this for a few minutes. I removed my hands off my face. I stood up and looked around. I then walked to the direction to where I needed to go.

The library wasn't far at all from the train station. Maybe just a few minutes away. Once I arrived at the library, I walk inside and go straight to my spot. It's aaaaall the way in the back. No one goes over there since there aren't any books. It's always quiet and peaceful here. It's perfect.

I sit against the wall and pull out my alchemy. Man do I need to find more alchemy books. I never really looked at any other books in the library. I guess I got too caught up in this one book. I open up to where I left off and begin reading, just like I usually do. When I read, I kinda read to myself as quietly as possible. It helps me remember everything. I'm not sure why but it helps.

I distinctly hear clank clank clank in the library. I never heard that sound while I'm here. I don't think of it too much. Maybe some kids are playing with some toys. I continue reading to myself. The sounds got closer and closer. Why? There isn't anything here. I thought. This is hella distracting! I roll my eyes and deeply sigh. Once again, I CONTINUE TO READ. TO. MYSELF.

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