Chapter Twenty Three

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(Y/n)'s POV

One moment I felt warm breath hit my face as hard pressure was being forced upon my fragile body.

The next moment I heard Edward screaming my name, as if that'll fix a damn thing.

Another moment, my vision became blurry and my ears were as if they have been put on mute.

I hear grunts. I feel the monster slightly moving but it's not use. 

"It's okay, (Y/n)! I'm going... To help you! Don't worry..." I vaguely heard Edward say. 

Then I feel blood splatter all over my face, along with the rest of my body.

I heard heavy breathing along with soft sobs. "You cut the head off." I heard.

I look over and see Ariana holding an axe. She comes to my aid. "(Y/n)! Are you okay!?" She asks. I look at her with the vision I have left. I feel my hand get lifted up by something. I slowly turn my head and see Edward. "(Y/n)?" He softly says.

"Oh my gosh! What's happening!?" I heard Al yell.

Then everything went black.


I slowly open my eyes and see Edward and Alphonse around me. Edward looked as if he was scared.

"W-what's going? Where am I?" I said with my a bit raspy.

They looked at each other and back at me.

"There's someone here to see you." Al said. I tilted my head and raised my eyebrow. Who would be here to see me?

Al walks off to the side and gestures the person to come over.

Then my eyes widened and I felt as if my heart was about to burst. It's...him.

Ariana's POV

I walk around the hospital. I can't see (Y/n) like that. It's my fault she is like this.

I look into a room while I walk around and I seen Jean. I stare at him as he looks outside the window. I felt my heart sink.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly move and turn around and see the colonel.

"You're not in trouble... For now. The courage you have is just what we could for the mil-"

"I have to decline. I'm sorry but I'm not going to join your little blood bath." I said.

He smirked at me and looked over at Jean. "He's not mad at you. Maybe you should use all of that courage and attitude to go talk to him." He said.

I looked over at him and shook my head. "I have to go." I quickly walked away.

I can't stay here anymore.

(Y/n)'s POV

"...Look at you. You're all grown up." He said as he walked over to me.

"I thought..." I trailed off.

"I know. But I'm here now. I'm sorry for leaving you and your mother." He said as he moved his arm to my face.

I hit his hand away from me.

"Why are you here? How did you find me?"

He gulped. "Someone told me what had happened to you. What was it...? Oh yes! Colonel Roy Mustang!"

I'm honestly tired of hearing that name.

I stayed silent. "How have you been? How's your mother?" He asked.

I felt my eyes well up. "Dead no thanks to you." I said.

He looked as if his heart dropped.


"Don't act like you care about her or me. You left because you are nothing but a coward." I started to raise my voice. "Now you think it's a good time to fix everything? Well you're wrong! I want you to leave." I said.


"And by the way, my name is (Y/n) you piece of shit!" I yelled. I moved the blankets off me and swung my legs over the bed. I set my feet on the cold tile.

"(Y/n)..." I heard Edward say.

"Fuck off! I don't need you. You're NOT my boyfriend."

I walked as fast as I could considering the condition I was in.

As I was walking I felt something trying to come up from my throat. I ignored it and kept walking.

The nerve that guy had! I can't even say he's my father. What a piece of shit.

The more I walk, the more sick I feel. But I don't care! I'm going. I honestly need some time away from everyone. 

I saw someone look at me. I sighed when I realized who it was. 

"(Y-Y/n)...! Are you okay? Why are you out of bed?" Ariana said.

I ignored her and kept walking.

Something came up. 

I felt dizzy.

I rested my body onto the wall nearby and breathed in and out.

"(Y/n)...?" She said.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed as I set one arm around my waist.

I heard footsteps running towards me and I felt an arm on my back.

"(Y/n). Let me take you back to your room." I heard.

It was him, once again.

"Get the fuck away from me! I'm tired of  everyone thinking I'm some helpless little puppy!"

"Get away from her!" Ed yelled.

I started to get irritated. I quickly turned around, hoping that I had the energy to say something but instead...

I threw up with my vision blurry and my body completely out of balance.

Everyone fell silent.

"Just.... get away... from me..."

Edward looked at me. 

"I'm not leaving you again." He said as he picked me bridal style and took me to my room.        

I moved around as much as possible so I can get out his grasp but he was holding so tight, like he didn't want let me go.

Edward's POV

I didn't want to let her go. No matter how much she pushed me away, I wanted to make sure she was safe.

"Sir, you have to give (Y/n) some time. Please let my brother help her." I heard Al say.

Ariana came running to us. 

"I'm coming too..." She said. 

I just ignored her. She has done enough but I knew picking a fight with her wouldn't do me much good.              

"Edward let me go." (Y/n) said.

"No. You need to rest and I'm going to help you recover whether you want me to or not."

She stayed silent. As much as she wanted to stay mad at me, I knew she couldn't be. She is a very loving and warm person and I know her heart isn't filled with hate.

(Y/n)'s POV

As much as I wanted to be mad, I couldn't be...


Hi my sweeties! I'm so sorry for the bad chapter and the long wait! Marching band and school has been eating me up! I know all I have is excuses but I will try to make time for writing! I love you all and thank you for understanding.

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