Chapter Twelve

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Winry's POV

I heard a light knock at the door. I opened the door and saw Ed and Al. I smiled. It's always good to see them. But they looked kinda sad. "Hey guys! What's the matter?" I asked.

-A Little Time Skip-

"What!? (Y/n) is missing!?" I said. "She is. We've been looking for her for awhile. It's almost been a month." Ed said with his hands intertwined. "We're really worried about her." Al added. "I bet." I stood up. "I'll help you find her." I said. "You really don't have t--" I cut him off. "I'm helping. Just let me get my things together." I said as I ran upstairs.

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up once again. My breathing was short and I felt blood ooze out from my back and my leg. I felt pain all over my body. I look at Envy as he was right in front of my with a huge grin on his face.

He kneeled down to my leg and looked at the knife, licking his lips. "I don't think this knife will do." He said as he pulled out a bigger knife. My heart was pumping and I felt warm tears fall. He pulled the knife out of my leg, making me squeal. As if I thought the pain couldn't be anymore unbearable. He then stabbed the other knife in the same place the old one was in. He stood up and walked around.

"It's been nearly a month and your Prince Charming still hasn't shown. What a pity." He laughed. I completely lost hope. "You know he doesn't even love you, right? He's just using you. When him and his brother get his body back, it'll be like you don't even exist!" He added. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe a word he said. "He's using you so he doesn't have to do all the work." He said, kneeling down to me. "You humans and your 'love'. It's nothing but a fantasy. First it was your father, then your mother and now that Fullmetal pipsqueak." He said.

All I could do was cry. Envy knew he was hurting me and he enjoyed it. I didn't care anymore. He won. "Just do what you want." I said. My mind became blank. Nothing but complete darkness, matching the scenery of the room.

With that, I felt as if my whole body was numb from the pain Envy put me through. No matter how hard he hit me, it felt like nothing was even happening.

Edward's POV

When me, Al and Winry got to central, we immediately went to headquarters. We thought maybe the colonel could help us out. We needed all the help we could get. I'll do whatever it takes to find (Y/n)...

"There has been reports of kidnappings around here. We've already started investigations and called search parties." The Colonel said with his arms crossed. "Since you aren't doing anything, why don't you go help them out since you're so eager to find this (Y/n) girl." He added. I didn't feel like arguing with him. I just nodded and all three of us stood up and left.

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