Chapter Twenty Five

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(Y/n)'s Dad's POV
*14 Years Ago*

"Kenneth (L/n), the military is greatly appreciated of your bravery and cooperation. As you continue to serve your country and serve your military, we offer a lab and other working equipment for you to show us your wondrous alchemic projects. What would you like to be called?" King Bradley said with a grin on his face.

"Oh uh... You can just call me Ken...sir." I said with a nervous tone. He chuckled and looked at me. "What an interesting young fellow... Alright, if you insist...Ken," He said with another chuckle while everyone's applause followed.


I sat down at the cafeteria and sighed. I pulled out a picture from my pocket and it was her, my wife. "I'm sorry that I left you with our child... I'm so sorry," I whispered.

"Hey, you got a picture of your wife too?! Woah! I know we are going to get along just fine, newbie!" I heard as a man with black hair and green eyes who wore glasses. "The name is Maes Hughes. Pleasure to have you on the team!" He said with a grin. I looked at him and shoved the picture in my pocket.

"Awe man it's nothing to be ashamed of. I get it, you love your wife." He quickly pulled out pictures of his wife. "Just look at my Gracia. I'm the luckiest man, I tell you." He said as he snuggled his picture. What a weird guy.

"Don't you feel like the luckiest man with your wife? Aren't wives great?" He said as he continued snuggling his picture. "...No." I said bluntly. He stopped and looked at me. "Well aren't you a different kind of man..." He said. "I gotta go..." I said as I got up and walked away.


It was late at night. Bottles of whiskey were surrounding me and with every breath I took, I tasted that bitter drink. I just made a chemical substance that needed to be tested. I was pondering in my dark room with the wind blowing through my window. Then it hit me, I have a daughter. She's a year old. I want the best for her. I need to be a good father.

I jumped out my window, making a perfect landing and headed out to the small house I left my wife at.

I stumbled down the dirt road toward the small house that protected my love and the life that me and her made. I made it. I made it to the door. The door that I ran out of. The door that I left my wife crying on the floor while she bared our child in her body.

The door was locked. I stumbled around the house to find an open window. I found one that was opened to the nursery that my wife created. I quietly went through the small window and at that point, I saw her.

I walked towards the worn down, wood crib and saw her. Her new soft (s/c) skin and a full head of (h/c) hair! Just like her mothers... Wow. "I created that." I whispered.

I dug into my pocket and pulled at the substance I made. I put it into a needle and prepped it. "Hi little baby. This needle will make you big and strong. You got..." I burped due to the past whiskey. "...alchemist blood in you. This will make you a good one. This is my gift to you." I said.

She then opened her (e/c) eyes. She didn't cry or anything. She looked at me...and smiled. I looked deep into her eyes and saw my reflection. I felt tears fall down my cheeks. "This is for you." I said as I quickly stabbed the needle into her arm, pushing the top on the shot to release the substance. She immediately started crying and I heard fast footsteps.

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