Chapter Twenty Two

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(Y/n)'s POV


I bang on the door. "Let us in!" I yelled. I start slamming my shoulder into the door, hoping to would open. It was locked shut. "Dammit!" I slammed my fist onto the door. Suddenly, blue sparks formed and the whole door exploded, causing pieces of wood to pierce my skin a bit. I squinted my eyes a bit due to the pain, but I immediately ran in along with Al and Ed.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I heard Mustang say. I look around a see a creature. A horrifying creature. It's arms were long and slender and it's legs were even longer. It's head looked as if it was upside down. It's jaw was long, covered in sharp teeth. It had one large yellow eye and had blades through his body. Blood splattered around him along with blood oozing out of his mouth.

Ariana held her small pistol towards it with her body shaking. All it did was making these deep groaning noises, not moving a muscle. I was completely terrified. I hear light groans. I slowly walk around, behind Ariana.

At first, I thought no one was hurt. But I saw Havoc, with his arm bleeding. "What happened!?" I yelled.

--A Few Moments Before--

Ariana's POV

When me and Havoc arrived, we were immediately sat down. We were looked at for a bit, then he began with the questions.

"Now then. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" He grinned.

I looked at him with complete annoyance. I sighed. I looked over at Havoc, I looked at his ocean blue eyes. He smiled at me, which surprisingly calmed me down. Wait, huh?

I smiled back at him and looked at Mustang with my smile instantly fading. I took a deep breath and fixed my posture.

"He made these hybrids... he used all typed of things to make these things. They were usually plastered with blood. And he would put blades into them as if it was a method of protection for us and for those around us."

He looked at me. He wrote everything I said down in a small notepad. I was really nervous. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Tell me more about the murder of your mother. What lead to him to kill your mother?" He asked. Suddenly, I was nervous. But I wasn't calm either. I felt nothing but annoyance and anger right then. I thought this was only to talk about my father's experiments and research? Now about my life story. That is literally the one thing I didn't think he would ask. But the bitch did.

I looked at him for a second and then I stood up. I looked dead into his eyes. He looked at me back with so much confusion. "Ariana?" He said.

I quickly pulled out my twin pistols and pointed at him. Just before I was gonna shoot, Havoc jumped in front me. If only his timing could be better...

Havoc fell to the floor. Fear filled my eyes. "Oh my gosh!" I yelled. The guns slipped from my hand. The blood reminded me of the blood that I saw when my mom was killed. Then I thought of my dad.

I then heard sparks. I looked behind me and saw BLACK sparks. Then it appeared. Why now?

--Current Time--

(Y/n)'s POV

I didn't know what to do. There as nothing but panic and fear in the room. I stood up and looked at the creature. "Ed! Al! Get Havoc to a hospital. Now!" I yelled. They soon ran to me and started to help Mustang, who was in shock, get Havoc to a hospital.

I ran to Ariana and looked at her, blocking her vision of the creature. I grabbed her hands and slowly moved her fingers off the gun. "Ariana, it's okay. You're okay." I said softly. She fell to the ground, crying. I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't. I looked at the creature. It turned it's head and moved it's tongue all around his mouth.

"(Y/n)... What are you doing?" I heard Ed say with worry in his voice. I didn't answer. I picked up Ariana's gun and pointed at the creature. Sweat was falling from the side of my head and my hands were shaking.

"Al! Come get Ariana and take everyone out of the room." I yelled. "No! I'm not letting you do this. This is my business!" Ariana yelled.

"Just go! Al get her!" I yelled. "R-right." Al said as he grabbed Ariana. "(Y/n)! Stop!" She yelled at Al took her out.

I heard the door close. It was just me and this monster. It breathed heavy, along with me. I never held a gun but I felt so in power.

I fixed my shoulders and aimed. I breathed in, breathed out. Before I could attack, I was charged at.

I screamed and closed my eyes but, didn't feel any weight. I open one eye and see Ed, holding the monsters arms. He was wincing and groaning.

"(Y/n)... Get... Out of here." He said in between breaths.

"No! I'm not leaving you here."

"I said get the hell out!" He yelled.

The monster then screeched.

I remembered Mustang telling me I wanted to become a state alchemist. Then it hit me.

The white room...

The huge door...

I remember reading about it. I looked up and sighed. I can't fucking think!

Then a platform shoot the monster up, through the ceiling, and back down. Ed walked back and looked at me.

I grabbed Ariana's gun and shot it multiple time, leaving it's body plastered in even more blood. I dropped the gun and breath heavily due to me being so overwhelmed.

"How can I do that? What is the science behind it? I didn't even draw a transmutation circle." I said to myself.

Ed walked next to me and rubbed my back to calm me down, which made me blush. "You don't have to. You saw it." He said softly.

I looked at him. "You saw the white figure too!?" I said. He looked at me and slowly nodded.

"But... you don't randomly transmute." I said.

"Maybe you have some different technique. I think it may have to with how you feel." He added.

I looked at him as if he was crazy but it did make sense. "But... wouldn't I have to give up something to get this?" I asked.

I fell to the ground and covered my face. "What the hell did I give up? I don't remember!" I yelled.

Edward knelt down to me and slowly removed my hands away from my face. I looked into his eyes. They looked so soft. I blushed even more.

He lightly tapped his finger on my head and frowned. "You gave up most of your memory. Starting from when your mother died." He softly said.

I shook my head. "No, that's not true." I looked at him with my eyes tearing up. He looked at me and slowly nodded.

"It happened." He said.

I looked down and cover my face once move.

"Come on. We have to see what's going on with the others" He said.

I was nervous on what's going to happen in the future. I looked up at him and he was giving me a warm smile with his hand open for me to grab it.

I hesitated but I grabbed it. He let go so he can start walking but I didn't. I held on.

I looked at our hands. His hands were warm but mine were so cold.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I held on tighter and looked at him. "Yeah... I just feel safer when I know I can lean on someone." I said.

He smiled. "Okay." He said as he hold onto my hand. It made my body feel so warm.

As we were walking, we heard a deep groan once again and everything was a darker shade. I look behind me and saw the monster about to attack Edward.

I jumped in front of it, making my body feel heavy as I was getting pinned down.

I kept my eyes closed, ready for any outcome.

For Edward.

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