Chapter Twenty

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(Y/n)'s POV

Me and Ariana were sent to an office that belongs to Colonel Roy Mustang. Jean Havoc were right behind us and Ed and Al were outside the office. He gave us a long cold stare and we gave it right back. "So... Ariana. Where have you been hiding all of this time?" He asked, glancing at Ariana. She stayed silent and just kept staring at him. I leaned towards her. "I think we should get out of here." I whispered. "You can try if you want. That is if you want to get into anymore trouble than you are already are." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Now Ariana... do you know why I've been searching for you for so long?" Ariana deeply sighed and fixed her posture. "Because I killed my beloved father. Oh how killing a murderer and a psychopath is such a crime against me!" She said sarcastically. "I wouldn't get so snippy if it meant I could get arrested for life." He said sternly. "But you know, it's your choice." Ariana pouted when he added that.

"This could all be avoided if you just tell me one thing." He smirked. "Tell me about your father's research and I could possibly find a way to make this all go away." He said. "Hell no! You have no real reason to know that! I'm not telling you shit!" She yelled. "Ariana. Yelling won't get you anywhere. You're going to get in trouble." I said. "(Y/n). You don't know what you're saying. I'm not telling this guy about something that gives me chills. Fuck no!" She added. I looked at her and looked at the Colonel.

"Are there any other options for her? Maybe there is something you can do so she could open up more so she can tell you? Or is there another way around it or something?" I asked, calmly. I really don't want to get into any trouble. I already kinda pointed a gun at an officer. "Of course. I'm not unreasonable." He smirked. "Take Ariana into our underground cells. I'm sure if she spends some time there maybe she'll..." He chuckled. "'Open up'". He said. "Yes sir." Havoc said, taking Ariana. Ariana looked so frightened. "What!? No that's not what I meant. You can't take her!" I said, standing up. "Do you want to go with her?" He asked. I didn't say anything.

"Sit down. I have some things to discuss with you also." He said as I watched Havoc take Ariana away.

Ariana's POV

I tried fighting back but Havoc was too strong for me. What the hell is up with that guy?! Damnit, (Y/n). I don't get why she had to bud in like that! "Can you stop trying to fight back? You're going there whether you like it or not." He said. I stopped and took a deep breath. "I should've just told him." I said quietly to myself. "Yeah, you should've." He said.

We soon arrived to our destination. He put me in the cell and locked me in. I went to the bars and set my hands on them. They were rusty and cold. Havoc stood right next to my cell with his hands behind his back. "Did you really want to hang out with me?" I asked. He didn't answer but he just smirked. I smiled as if he answered verbally.

I walked around my cell, thinking of a way to get out. Or at least to ease my nerves a bit. Then I smelled something. I looked over and saw Jean smoking, as usual. As much as I hated smoking, I needed something to calm me down. "Hey, can I try?" I asked. Jean looked at me. He looked around to make sure no one was near. He looked back at me and smiled. He pulled out a cigarette and handed it to me.

I slowly opened my mouth, gesturing him to put it in my mouth. He lightly blushed and put it in my mouth, lighting to cigarette. "Slowly breathe in and let it out." He said. I breathed in then slowly let it out, coughing a bit. "You okay?" He asked. I took another hit of it and breathed out slowly, smirking at Jean. "Never been better." I said.

(Y/n)'s POV

"So, you've caught quite the courage to point a gun at an officer." The colonel stated. I just looked at him as I tapped my finger nails onto the arm wrests of my chair. "You do understand the consequences for doing that, right?" He asked. Again, I just kept looking at him. He let out a chuckle. "I've heard a thing or two about you." "What did you hear?" I asked.

"I heard you were pretty impressive. Considering you are an orphan and all..." He trailed off. I looked at him in complete disgust. How rude is this guy? "Edward and Alphonse told me that you wanted to become a state alchemist." He chuckled. "Uh... What? I don't remember me telling them that." I stated, fixing my posture.

"That's right... I forgot." He said, standing up. "You truly do take after your father." He stated, glaring at me with a look on his face.

"My father? You knew him?" I said. "Of course. He was one of our best state alchemist... That is until he disappeared." "Oh..." I said.

Every thing went silent. My mind was still set on Ariana. "Can you let Ariana out now? It's been long enough." I said. He looked at me and deeply sighed. "Why? Do you want to join her?" He asked.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. "If that's the only I can see if shes okay then why the hell not?" I said, crossing my arms. The Colonel chuckled. "Edward! Alphonse! Get in here!" He yelled, making me jump.

Ed and Al came in, looking confused. "What?" Ed said. "Take Miss (L/n) down to the underground cells. You'll see Havoc down there." He said.

They didn't move. They seemed shocked. So I stood up and let out a deep sight. "That's okay. You don't have take me anywhere. I'll take myself but I'm not going in a cell." I said as I walked out.

As I was walking, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me and saw Ed and Al. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. But they still followed. Hm.

I finally got to where Ariana was. I immediately went towards the cell and grabbed the bars. "Ariana?" I said. I looked around but didn't see her. I started to get a bit agitated.

"Where did she go?" Al said. I hit one of the bars, then blue sparks started to shine as a platform formed, pushing Al down the hall violently.

I felt bad but then again I didn't. "FUCK! WHY DID THEY FUCKING TAKE HER!?" I yelled. "Let me help you find her." Ed said, looking kinda nervous considering his brother was all the way down the hall.

"Me too." Al said, walking back towards as. As much as I didn't want anything to do with them, I could use the help. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Let's go." I said, running down the hall.

Author's Note

I know this probably sucks but I wanted to go ahead and get this done with! Anyways, I hope it's good enough for you guys. 💖

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