Chapter Three

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(Y/n)'s POV

My left hand and left leg were hanging from the bed. I opened my eyes and I looked at my clock. I wiped the saliva from the corner of my mouth and rolled off the bed. "I don't want to go to wooork." I complained to myself. But aside from the long day of work to look forward to, I get to see Edward and Alphonse today! I smiled and I got out of bed. I quickly ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After my shower, I ran back to my room and picked out the appropriate clothes for work. I got my black pants and (f/c) collared shirt. I deeply sighed as my white bra was in my hands. I put on, hoping I don't waste time on it. After a bit, I put my clothes on. I quickly pulled my hair up and got my backpack. I ran out the house and headed to the flea market. Please let the day go fast.

Edward's POV

The Colonel didn't have anything for me and Al to do today so were pretty bored. We stayed in our hotel room as the wind from the window chilled the room a bit. I lied down on the couch with my arms supporting my head. I closed my eyes so I can clear my mind.

I couldn't stop thinking about (Y/n)! It's something about her. I just met the girl and I already have this weird feeling in my stomach whenever the slightest thought of her pops into my head. He groaned in frustration and sighed.

"Is everything okay, brother?" Al asked as he looked away from his book. "Yeah." I answered letting out another sigh. "Thinking about (Y/n)?" He teased. I blushed and glared at him. "N-NO! SHUT UP!" I said as I stumbled over my words. "Yeah sure." He said. "Oh! It's almost three! We should start heading to the library to see (Y/n)." He added. I almost forgot about that. "Oh yeah." I said. I stood up an stretched a bit. "Lets get going." I said as we both headed out.

(Y/n)'s POV

It was almost three and I was wondering where they were. I held my alchemy book close to me, excited to learn more material and possibly make some new friends! I sat down on a chair and lied my head down with my arms crossed on the table for support. I yawed and my eyes became heavy. Maybe just a little nap wouldn't hurt. I thought as I slowly drifted off.

Edward's POV

When we walked into the library, we looked around for a bit. "Where's (Y/n)?" Al asked. "I dunno." I answered. We kept looking around but we couldn't find her. Did she ditch? Soon we found her... asleep? As I was about to walk up to her, Al grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "OW! WHAT IS IT!?" I yelled. "Sssh! We are in a library AND (Y/n) is sleeping! You can't go a day without yelling?" He said quietly. "Well we DO have to help her with her alchemy so I don't see what's the problem!" With that, me and Al we kept arguing back and forth.

(Y/n)'s POV

I slowly opened my eyes and stood up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned a bit. I then saw... Ed and Al? Arguing? "Uh... guys?" I said quietly. I was still kinda tired. "Guys." I repeated. They still didn't hear me. "Edward and Alphonse!" I said a bit louder. They both looked at me. Al chuckled a bit and Edward rubbed the back of his head. I smiled. "So. Are you ready to get started?" Ed asked. I nodded and grabbed my things. "I know where we can get started. Follow me." I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the back of the library. I got distinctly here Al chuckling.

I sat down once we got to the back. I set my book down and cracked my knuckles. I gestured Ed to sit down by patting my hand on the ground. "Sit down." I said with a smile. Edward lightly blushed and sat down. "So, you do know all the basics, right?" He asked. I brought my knees close to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. "Mhm. Comprehension, Deconstruction, Reconstruction, Equivalent Exchange... All that stuff?" I said. Ed nodded. "What do you want to know?" He asked. "Anything, really." I replied. Ed didn't really know where to start. So it was silent for a few seconds.

"Why don't you just show me what you know so far?" He said. I deeply sighed and pulled out some chalk from my backpack (I keep it in there just in case). I slowly draw my transmutation circle but I stopped. I haven't really transmutated anything since mom died. "What's wrong? " Ed asked.

Edward POV

All of a sudden (Y/n) stopped drawing her transmutation circle. "What's wrong?" I asked. I didn't get an answer from her. She was completely frozen. "(Y/n)." I said as I lightly shook her. She then shook her head and looked at me. "Huh?" She said with a confused look. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine!" She said with a smile. She took a deep breath and continued to draw her circle. She did a pretty good job drawing it. She the clapped her hands together and put them onto the circle. Blue sparks started to form. She then transmutated a wooden bird. Impressive.

"Not bad." I complimented. "Thanks." She said with a smile. "Ed, can I ask you something?" She said. "Yeah sure." I said. She looked at me and took a deep breath. "Is Alphonse hollow?" She said. I looked at her as my eyes saddened. I looked down and clenched my fist, feeling the guilt hit me hard. I slowly nodded. "I'm really sorry for asking. I just got this vibe from him. Not in a bad way ju--" "Let's just get back to the training." I cut her off, slightly smiling. She looked at me and we continued helping her.

"Brother! The library is closing soon! We should get going." I heard Al say as he ran to me and (Y/n). "Oh alright." I said as I got up. I held my hand out for her. She looked at me and grabbed my hand, pulling herself up. "Did you learn anything, (Y/n)?" Al asked. She nodded. "All thanks to Ed!" She said happily. "Well I better get going. Thanks for the help. Same thing tomorrow?" She said sweetly. "Yeah." I said. "Wait (Y/n). It's already late, are you sure you'll be alright going home on your own?" Al stated. He did make a good point. "Uh yeah. I'll be fine." She said as she walked off. "I can take you home, (Y/n)." I said blushing. She turned around with her (h/l) (h/c) hair getting in her face as she turned. She shot us another smile. "It's okay. Thanks anyways. I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said as she waved and walked away.

(Y/n)'s POV

I help my book close to my chest as I walked to the train station. Then I saw a figure in front of me. I didn't let it bother me so I kept walking. As the figure became clearer, I saw that it had long blonde hair with a red coat. "Ed?" I said, walking to him. "Oh hey. What's up?" He said. I looked behind me and back at him, point back at the library. "Weren't you just at the library?" I asked. "I move fast. Plus I wanted to see you." He said. I lightly blushed and smiled. "I actually have something for you. Close your eyes." He said with a smile. Something was off. I closed my eyes with my smile still on my face.

"No peeking!" He said with a chuckle. I giggle a bit and kept my eyes closed. My heart was racing and my face was probably as red as his coat. I was really excited. My smile couldn't leave my face. The next thing I knew, I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head and everything went black...

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