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This is inspired a Fanfic I read awhile back, it's gonna be super long and In parts probably the longest I've ever wrote for a part.

Additional note: This imagine is inspired by Survivor Season 8. You and Niall are based on Amber and Rob, and some of the talking are directly from the show.

And this is going to written completely different than anything I've ever written due to the length.

I also wanna thank the writer and creator of this imagine @ dancesongsoul

she was the person who made this happen.

She wrote it i just edited it and kinda made it my own.



Reality TV is weird.

It's one of Your first real thoughts beyond the excitement fizzing in your brain as you rides a speed boat headed to some beach in Panama along with five relative strangers. Your mom thinks you're crazy, but this is just the kind of challenge that You live for, which is probably why you agreed to do it twice.

It doesn't hurt that you're getting a second chance at a million dollars; and this time, You are going to win it all.

When you had been approached by the producers of Survivor to be a part of their first ever All-Stars season, You hadn't hesitated even a full second before accepting. Your last outing had been a bit of a disappointment — you had been painted as a villain and voted out shortly after the merge — so this is your shot at redemption.

You watched and rewatched your previous season, identifying your shortcomings and creating a series of strategies to compensate. You had put yourself through physical training, which included — but was not limited to — increasing your weekly trips to the gym, learning how to tie and untie knots, and practicing making fire. Sitting on the speed boat now, you are as prepared as anyone could be for thirty-nine days with little food and water and a whole bunch of strangers.

Your eyes skimmed over the others in the boat, sizing each of them up because for this intro they'd already been split up into their tribes, which means the losers you were sitting next to now are the five people you would be stuck with for the first half of the game. And your game relied on one of them being a strong ally.

As you look at the people around you, you sigh. The pickings are slim.

Part of the twist of this season is that all the contestants have seen each other play. You knew that this going to be a huge fall back to you; all the goody two-shoes players won't want to deal with you, and the smarter players will be cautious of you.  You needed an ally who would make you seem more approachable.

Initially, the plan had been to align with a girl early on in the game, but looking at the women on his tribe, you didn't think a single one of them would fit your strategy.

Taylor is infamous for playing the innocent girl who let the big men of her alliance 'carry' her to the final five and then demolished them in the final vote. She already had a million dollars to her name. Why she had chosen to come out against you didn't know, but what you did know was that aligning with her would be a mistake. Everyone will be gunning for previous winners from the get-go. She'll be an easy vote before the merge.

Perrie was known as the pretty one. And her only real memorable game play was her big mouth. She'd spilled the beans on one of her secret alliances and it had cost her the game. Maybe she's learned from that mistake, but you weren't willing to bet your game on it.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now