Can't be Happening

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This is a continuation of 'How Could You' Part Three :)

It's Been almost a year since you left Niall you promised your self you wouldn't go back you couldn't but he hasn't been off your mind no matter how hard you tried to forget about him you couldn't. He hasn't tried to contact you or anything not one call since you've left that night You moved you got a new apartment and your working at a nearby restaurant you were a Waitress you worked alot you didn't have anything but a bag of clothes you didn't want to go back to get your stuff it would've been harder to leave and you didn't want to risk it.

It was hard at first but you've learned to live with your heart being broken, You still look at the pictures in your phone you didn't have the heart to delete and cry you still look at his twitter, He's moved on with a model it's been about a month and you've started having trouble sleeping again. You were hurt more than hurt you were broken shattered not being able to pick up the pieces.

You grabbed your apron and your purse and headed out You were already late for the third time this week you were the definition of exhausted you already had trouble sleeping and working long hours doesn't help at all but at least you get paid extra.

You walked outside into the cool air and put your sunglasses on Just in case you unlock your car door and get in starting the car and pulling on the road you wasted no time getting there since you was Nearly forty minutes late You rushed when you got in there you went straight into the kitchen and went to the Time Clock to see your slip was already in there You sighed in relief turning around to see one of your closest friends Sophia She worked there in the restaurant Everybody here seemed to like her, and even though you didn't know much about her you knew that she was your friend she helped you out all the time when you first got here you were a mess and she helped you get through that even though she didn't know why you were a mess she didn't need too because she's just that amazing.

"Late again I see" She smiled at you and you nodded

"Yeah I haven't been able to sleep." You admitted

"I know I can tell" She said walking up to you and giving you a small hug

"Thanks for Timing me in" You said letting her ago

"No problem I know how much you need this." She stated and you nodded grabbing your notepad and a pen.

"Okay well we better get back to work" She said and you agreed walking into the restaurant.

"Hi my name is Y/N and what can I do for you today?" You asked the couple looking at your notepad.

"Um I'll have a chicken soup and whatever it is that my lovely fiancee' wants" He smiled and the girl giggled you sighed and looked at the girl who was looking at the man smiling.

"And what is that?" You asked the girl and she looked up at you.

"Just a salad." She answered and went back to gazing at the man you sighed and walked away from the table. You put the note paper on the order list and started walking towards the table until the door opened you looked over. Your eyes widened but he didn't see you yet you picked up the couples menu's and quickly went into the kitchen.

How'd he find you? You wondered you looked over at Sophia who was smiling widely as she walked over to him.

"Liam!" She exclaimed throwing her arms around him you looked confused for a moment and but when you seen them kiss you realized what was going on he sat over at the very back and you were grateful for that just keep cool he don't have to find you here. You grabbed the soup and salad and walked back to the table handing the couple the food you kept your eyes glued onto Sophia and Liam his back was turned in the booth where he couldn't see you, Sophia looked up at you and smiled 

"Oh Liam I want to introduce you to my friend" She told him and you shook your head just as she pointed to you. He turned his head toward you smiling but his smile quickly faded and his eyes widen as he realized who you were." 

"Liam this is-"

"Y/N?" Liam said interrupting Sophia

This can't be happening


Did you Like it? There will be another part to this and then I'll get back to the regualar imagines :) 


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