Accidents in Starbucks (Requested)

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Requested By ~ Lexi

You were sitting at Starbucks Waiting for your boyfriend. You looked at the time he was already an hour late. You got up getting ready to leave when you Tumbled into somebody causing your drink to spill all over them. You gasped and got napkins from your table.

"I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed wiping his white shirt. He chuckled and you looked up at your eyes widening.

"It's okay Love really it was an Accident" He said taking the napkins out of your hand.

"No Let me Buy you a drink or something I didn't mean It. I'm so sorry" You apologized once more your so clumsy You spilled a drink on Niall Horan. How could you do something so stupid.

"Whats your name love?" He asked and you looked up at him.

"Y/N" you answered

"Well Y/N you can let me sit down with you " He responded and you nodded sitting down at the booth.

"So who are you waiting for?" He asked joining you in the booth.

"I was waiting for my Boyfriend but he stood me up for the third time this week." You answered honestly. You were so sad it's like the more you try to make the relationship work the harder he pushes you away. You just wish you could fix it.

"You don't deserve that wouldn't it be better if you just broke up with him" he stated and you glared at him Who does he think he is? You were tired of people telling you what you should do. 'Oh you could do better Y/N' and 'why are you even with him all he does is treat you badly your so dumb' all those voices played in your head.

"You just met me I don't think you should be telling me who I deserve" You snapped and his facial expressions changed into a confused look.

"Look I didn't mean to offend you-"

"Well you did." You interrupted him getting up from your side of the booth and walking away.

"Wait!" He said from behind you am you sighed turning around to face him.

"I'm sorry" He apologized and you rolled your eyes before walking away from him again. You went into the parking lot and saw your boyfriend's car you smiled until you seen him making out with a girl. Your eyes started you water as you sobbed. Before turning the opposite direction and running into Niall. You looked at him he was looking at the car his face softened as he pulled you along. Wrapping his arm around you you Cried onto his side as you gripped. His side he lead you to his car as you hopped in not saying a word. Everybody was right you felt so stupid. You watched as Niall got in on the other side. He put his keys in and pulled off.

"I'm so sorry" He told you and you nodded looking out the window.

"He's a jerk He doesn't deserve someone incredibly beautiful as you." He continued. You looked at him in confusion those words warmed your heart.

"You think I'm beautiful?" You asked wiping your nose. He looked at you quickly nodding before looking back at the road.

"Look Niall I'm really sorry for snapping at you I shouldn've-"

"It's okay" he interrupted you as your phone rang. You looked at it and saw his name you quickly pressed ignore looking out the window again you thought you loved him. But everything he ever did was a lie. You ended up softly crying yourself to sleep and when you woke up you were in a room. A unfamiliar room. You turned over it was bright there was nobody in the bed you sat up and rubbed your eyes. You tried to remember the events that occurred last night. And then you remembered your boyfriend tears started to form in your eyes but you quickly wiped them he wasn't worth crying over you got up from the bed opening the door and bumping into someone you jumped back and looked at the person whom you recognized to be Niall you relaxed a little.

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