Bad Suprises

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This is a continuation of 'He's Leaving You'

It's been three years since Niall left you, You figured out why he had left he went to follow his dreams and Now he's apart of the biggest boyband in the world. One Direction, You keep saying to yourself that it's for the best it wasn't gonna work out anyways but you Can't help but miss his touch, His Voice, His everything you miss smiling to yourself just thinking about him you miss having butterflies everytime he touches or kisses you you miss having your heart skip a beat everytime you see him, But now it's all gone its been gone for three years and you hate that it's this way your sad still thinking about someone who left you someone who hasnt contacted you in three years and is having the time of their life.

He Left you without a proper goodbye.

He Left you sad and Miserable

He Left you

And thats all you could think about While you were in the car with Your Bestfriend She's suprising you taking you somewhere,

"Can you just tell me where we're going already We've been in this car for nearly two hours" You Pleaded and she shook her head,

"Nope It's a Surprise Y/N" She told you and you groaned, knowing that you'd never get her to crack, She never spoiled anything even when you begged her she wouldnt, And sometimes you hated that but she was your bestfriend and you have too trust her and just go along with the suprise, and wish for the best

 About an Hour later you pulled up to an Arena You looked at your bestfriend confused,

"Where are we?" You asked and she shook her head letting you know that she wasnt about to tell you yet you sighed and continued looking out the window, When you parked you seen a whole bunch of screaming girls, it was a long line you watched them carefully trying to figure out the suprise your self but no luck there as Your bestfriend pulled you away from there,

"We are not going through there we are going through the back" She informed you pulling you around the arena, It was dark in the back but you could still hear screaming in a distance, As you entered the arena, You looked around it was amazing.

"The boys are just around the corner," The man told you, your bestfriend smiled brightly at the man and nodded

"Okay Y/N So I had won these backstage meet and greet tickets," Your bestfriend started and thats when it all clicked you stopped your tracks as soon as you guys entered the room,

"What's wrong I havent even got to the good part yet" She said confused

"I dont want to be here" You told her and she laughed at you

"It's One Direction Y/N who wouldnt want to be here" She said inbetween laughs

"Y/B/F!" You yelled "Take me Ho-"

"Hi We're one direction" Boys inturpted behind you two you looked scaredly and looked at Your bestfriend's face her smile was wide as she left you and walked towards them You breathed slowly and turned around awkwardly smiling at the boys, You looked at each one of them until your eyes Landed on Him

"Y/N?" Niall Questioned looking at you,


As Promised  Part too don't worry theres going to be another part sooner or later. :D Vote Share Comment :)

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