He's Leaving You

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It's been four months since your boyfriend Niall confessed his love to you this is the happiest you've been ever, Your at your house eating dinner when your phone rings indicating you have a text message it's from Niall.

Hey Princess, I really need too tell you something come over please?

You smiled and text him back

Hey Nialler, What is it? Yeah I'll come over You responded and grabbed your keys leaving your house

When you get there your greeted by a long kiss, Your suprised by this and you go inside his flat

"So what did you want to tell me?" You asks him and he sits down on the couch you.

"I'm Leaving" He tells you and you feel like your stomach has dropped,

"What?" You say to make sure you heard him right

"I'm leaving Y/N" Niall repeats and you look at him

"Why I thought you loved me?" You choked on your words tears threatening to fall

"I do it's just- I'm sorry" Was all he said and you shook your head,

"Whatever" You snapped walking towards the door

"Y/N Wait!" He yelled getting up from the couch,

"Bye Niall" You said leaving his flat, and running to your car as fast as you could,

You thought he would at least call or try to contact you but he hasn't you ended up Crying for a whole two weeks and when you went back to apologize he was gone, You were so sad your bestriend couldn't even cheer you up all you kept thinking about was Niall and How stupid you were to let him go,


There will be a part two I mean who would I be to just let you wonder why he left you.. Well Until Next Time Lovesss.. Please Vote, Share and Comment :D

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