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You woke up happily yawning your smile growing wide. It was your birthday today was your birthday ! And how excited were you to know that you'd be spending it with your boyfriend just made you happy.

You looked over to an empty bed. You frowned normally he would be sleeping in on the weekend but today he wasn't. You sighed and got out of the bed walking out in the hallway.

"Niall?" You called out leaning over the staircase. No response your shoulders dropped in disappointment you were clearly upset you walked downstairs and into the kitchen seeing dishes in the sink you washed them last night. He must've eaten breakfast you tried to think of where he could have gone on a Saturday morning, nothing came to mind except that he might be at a meeting or at the studio you hoped.

You sighed and wandered around you would just wait for him then. You back Into your shared bedroom and Grabbed the outfit you had planned for today before going into the bathroom and hopping in the shower.

You took a long shower hoping that when you got out he'd be here when you got out you put your clothes on and started to blow dry your hair, After it was fully dried you curled it loosely and applied some makeup to your face after you were done you looked into the mirror you looked hot! You smiled to your self before Leaving the bathroom.

You walked downstairs and saw that Niall wasn't here you sighed you were trying not to be upset because what if he really was just doing his job you hoped that's what he was doing but your hopes were brought down each hour he didn't come walking through that door.

This isn't like him usually he would leave a note or something telling you were he was, at about 5 O'clock everything was clean and you had ran out of things to do to past some time.

You weren't happy anymore and it's suppose to be your birthday. You were worried about Niall.

All the boys had text you happy birthday telling you that they'd celebrate it tomorrow to give you and Niall some alone time, you texted back thank you, you were to embarrassed to tell them that you didn't know where he was, but you found out Niall didn't have a meeting today and that brought so much stress on you but you were still worried You started to cry after two hours you were asleep on the couch.

When you heard the door Open and Niall cursing under his breath stumbling over things in the dark, You sat up and turned on the lamp Looking at Niall his eyes shot up at you.

Is he drunk? You sighed getting up from the couch and walking towards him.

"Where have you been?" You questioned.

"Out," He answered walking past you.
"Really Niall" You snapped grabbing his shoulder you weren't mad you were just hurt that he'd do something like this on your birthday.

How could he? He caught you off guard by snatching away and turning to you.

"Leave me the fuck alone! Your so fucking annoying I can do whatever the fuck I want your not my mom!" He yelled at you and stormed into the room.

You stood there shocked how could he say that to you?

Why would he say that to you?

You walked back to the couch trying to collect yourself. Tears started to form in your eyes as you tried to answer the questions.

Did he not love you anymore?

Was he going to break up with you today?

On your birthday? You almost forgot it was birthday with everything that's happened.

It has been the worst one you've had.

He's been acting like this A lot this week maybe he just doesn't love you anymore.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now