Taking a break

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This is a continuation of the 'How Could You' Imagine part two :)


It's been two days since you found out Niall cheated. Even though you knew it was true, you still thought about him. You were devastated, angry, and confused as to why he would do that to you. You gave him everything. You thought he loved you, but you were wrong. Yeah, you guys had your differences and argued, but it never got to the point where you could ever think about another man. He's been blowing up your phone. He doesn't know you know. He's probably worried sick because you haven't been home.

You're currently in a hotel about twenty minutes away from your's and Niall's flat. You can't stop crying. What did you do to deserve this? Your heart was hurting, aching. You just wanted it to stop. You wanted to stop the pain you were feeling.

You've been in the hotel room for two days straight, only getting up to check your phone. You haven't eaten and you haven't been able to sleep.

Your phone starts ringing for the thousand time today. You groaned, getting up from where you've been for the last two days. You pick your phone up. You're surprised to see that it wasn't Niall this time, but instead one of his four best friends, Harry. You debated whether you should answer or not. You decided that you should at least tell somebody you were okay.

"Hello?" You answered, trying to hide the hurt in your voice.

"Y/N! Thank god you're okay!" He yelled through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You assured him.

"Where are you?!" He asked. You sighed as you heard Harry talking to someone in the background.

"Yeah, she's okay." He added.

"Really?! Let me speak to her!" You heard Niall's voice through the phone.

"No Harry, please don-" 

"Princess?" You heard Niall interrupting you. You stay silent. "Princess, are you okay?" You could tell he had been worried, and it hurt you to hear him this way. You couldn't give in, you just couldn't.

"Please say something." He pleaded, and that's when you started to cry again for the thousandth time this week.

"Are you crying? Please princess, don't cry." He begged. You could hear him almost breaking through the phone.

"I-I can't." You sobbed.

"You can't what?" He asked you, nearly crying too.

"I can't do this. The lying, the-" You paused. You couldn't say it, but you had too. "Cheating." You finished. The line went silent as you waited for him to say something

"I-I can explain." He stuttered. He's crying now. You can tell. 

"I don't need you to Niall, and I don't want you to." You cried.

"You deserve to know how much I-"

"I deserve a break." You interrupted him and the line went silent. You didn't even want him to respond.

"Goodbye Niall." You sadly say, hanging up the phone.

The next day you were still tired. You decided to get out of the place. You haven't showered in two days. You washed up a bit and threw on some clothes and sunglasses to make sure nobody would notice you. You grabbed your purse and left the hotel. You walked around, enjoying the fresh air.

"Omg Y/N!" A girl screamed. You turned around and saw the girl. You cautiously walked towards her.

"Please keep your voice down." You pleaded. She was shaking. 

"What's wrong? Where's Niall? Is he here?" She asked, glancing behind you.

"No he isn't." You answered and her faced dropped.

"Why are you here? Where have you been?" She questioned, her voice getting louder and louder every time she spoke. You put your finger to your lips, quietly begging her to be quiet. You turned around to see the paparazzi a couple of blocks from where you are. You looked back at the girl.

"I have to go." You told her before running off.

This was a bad idea. A really bad idea. They are going to find you. You weren't ready to face him. You weren't ready to see Niall. You quickly ran to the hotel. When you got into the room, you grabbed your stuff, getting ready to leave, when you heard a knock on the door. You jumped and hoped it wasn't Niall. You slowly made your way to the door with your bags in your hand. You sat your bags down and opened the door.

When you opened the door, you saw Niall. His eyes were red and puffy. He looked horrible.

"Princess, please let me explain." He pleaded. You shook your head.

"Don't. I don't want to hear it Niall." You softly said, picking up your bags

"It was a mistake. I promise. It didn't mean anything." He cried.

"Niall, please don't do this." You begged him.

"I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I didn't mean it, I swear. I love you so much. Please don't leave me. Please!" He was on his knees now, making it harder for you to leave.

"How many times?" You asked, looking into his eyes. He didn't answer. "How many times Niall!" You yelled at him and he looked down at the floor. It was obvious he was ashamed.

"Twice" He mumbled and you froze.

"And that was a mistake?" You snapped. You could see he was suprised by your tone of voice.

"Princess please listen to me. I was drunk. It didnt mean anything, I swear." He told you. 

"You were drunk both times? You were drunk when you lied to my face? You were drunk when you let me think that you actually loved me? Do you think I'm stupid?" You asked.

"You know what? I don't even care. You shouldn't have come here. I don't want to be found. I'm taking a break." You said, stepping over him and walking away.

"Princess, please!" He begged, grabbing your arm. You sighed. You weren't going to cry anymore.

"Niall, if you love me, you'll let me go." You stated.

"But I'll lose you forever if I do." He cried more. Your heart was shattered. You couldn't continue to watch him like this.

"And if you love me you'll take that chance. I just need time." You assured him and he nodded. You kissed his forehead and left. As soon as you turned your back, you silently cried.

You got into the car and watched Niall cry. You looked back onto the road.

"Goodbye Niall." You silently said to yourself, pulling onto the road.


Did you like it? As Promised Part two I might make a part three fingers crossed :)

Hoped you liked it Michelle Helped Edit it So thank her :)

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