Late Night Arguements

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You were sitting at home you were pissed. You and Niall were going through a rough patch and He decided to stay out late again it's about 2am and your sitting on the couch you and him haven't even fought today so why was he out late again for the fourth time this week, you tried calling him but it went to voicemail. He was ignoring you and you knew it. You loved him though you were only pissed because you loved him, and your worried as hell.


An Hour Later

You were halfway asleep when the door opened you shot up your eyes darting towards the door to reveal Niall stumbling on his own feet. You didn't hesitate as you got up and slapped him across the face.

"What the fuck Y/N!" He yelled angrily holding his hand up to his cheek. You didn't respond as you turned around and started to walk towards the bedroom, You didn't get far as he grabbed your arm swinging you back around facing him.

"Answer me!" He growled, but you weren't afraid you knew he'd never hurt you.

"Why were you out so late?" You questioned ignoring his previously statement.

"Because I can! You aren't my Mum Y/N!" He yelled at you.

He was frustrating you why was he yelling at you? You weren't yelling at him you looked down at your arm which was still held by his tight grasp. You snatched your arm away from him.

"I'm your girlfriend Niall I deserve to know." You stated calmly you weren't going to play the yelling game tonight.

"No you don't! You don't need to know everything, damn your so clingy sometimes!" He said storming past you. No he doesn't get to walk away from you.

"I'm clingy? You know what Niall fuck you! Your so annoying!" You yelled back causing him to stop and turn around.

"Really Y/N I'm annoying!?!" He asked walking towards you. You nodded crossing your arms. You were now only a few inches away as he grabbed your waist slinging his arm around you so that there was no space in between you two. You looked up at him his eyes pouring into you. You couldn't stay mad at him. And You couldn't help it as you smashed your lips onto his.  

He smirked on your lips picking you up moving as your back hit the wall softly. It turned into a heated make out session. You pulled away both of you out of breath, his breath was tickling your neck.

"I love you" He informed you an you smiled before kissing him again.

"I love you too." You mumbled against his lips he chuckled before letting go and taking you to the bedroom.


It's about 2am here and I got bored and started writing haha this was just my imagination running wild but the real update will be sometime tomorrow Thursday or Friday and it's a song imagine haha obviously.

I want to take this time to Say Happy Birthday to Jordan & or Ebony one of my Bestest Friends 😍😍 Haha

Also I'm suppose to get my OTRA tickets today also after school, they are suppose to be delivered today who else is going to the OTRAT and when?

Also the picture is a quiz I did a couple of days ago because I'm so random and those are my top favorite 1D songs it's accurate I guess Haha you should do it too I'll find the link and put it on here I don't really want to go to bed but I have to so BYE LOVES, Hoped you liked this random imagine! That I wrote in literally 15 minutes hehe Vote share comment I love feedback and so far I've been getting really good feedback so just keep it coming because I appreciate it thank you !

Two minutes late Update on the quiz the link is literally on the picture haha I didn't see it sorry K Byeee ! Thank you again!

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