Babysitting Wendy(Something new)

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I’m not watching it!

Yes you are!

Y/N i’m not watching that thing you call a dog! She hates me!

This was you and Niall’s 3rd fight of the day. You had a trip to go on for your job tomorrow and you needed Niall to babysit your dog, Wendy, for a few days, but he just wouldn’t do it.

She doesn’t hate you! Niall please? Its only 2 days?!" You begged, pouting.

No Y/N i’m sorry." He said, turning around and heading back to the game on tv.

Nodding, you walked up to your room and started packing, when an idea came to your head. Smirking you finished packing, and spent the rest of the day acting like you normally did, knowing Niall at least deserved that after what you were going to put him through.

That morning, you woke up 2 hours earlier than you were supposed to. After writing Niall a note, you kissed Wendy on the head, laid her on the bed, grabbed your suitcase, and headed off to your trip.

~Few hours later~
Why are you licking me babe?" Niall muttered in his sleep, a smile making its way across his face. The licking got worse and he frowned. "Babe what are you doing?…..and why does your breath smell like ass?!" He yelled, sitting up and pushing you away. But instead of hearing a squeal and your yelling about how rude that was, he heard a high pitched bark. Looking down, he let out a scream and threw himself off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. Breathing heavily, he looked up at the bed and let out a growl when he saw Lilly peeping over the edge, whining.

Shut up." He muttered, getting up and noticing the note on the dresser.

What’s this…

Dear Niall,
I’m sorry but I had to leave Wendy with you. You’re the only person she is used to besides me and I know she would be upset if I made her stay with someone else….Maybe you can use these 3 days as a way to bond.
And I know I told you it was 2 days earlier but I lied just to get you to watch Wendy…..
Love, Y/N

Staring at the letter, he stumbled back and looked over at Wendy, extremely pissed off.
After calling you about 20 times, he decided it was a sealed deal and started caring for Wendy.

First he poured her some food and made himself some. While he was eating, he noticed Wendy looking up at him, her eyes wide and drool nearly dripping on the floor as she eyed the bacon in his hand.

Y/N did feed you bacon didn’t she." He muttered, eyeing his precious bacon, and then Wendy.
I guess one piece wont hurt." He muttered, and then threw Wendy a piece, laughing when she at it in one bite. Before he knew it he had shared his whole breakfast with her, laughing at how she at it.

With the way we eat, all the food will be gone by tomorrow!" He said, smiling when Wendy barked in response. Realizing what had just happened, he cleared his throat and glared at the innocent dog.

For the rest of the day he cared for Wendy, trying not to let her grow on him, until he noticed her whining and barking at the door.

What is it?" He groaned, walked over and standing behind her. Walking over to him, she looked up at him and whined.

He thought for a moment and then sighed. “You have to pee?" He got a bark in response, and opened the door, watching as Wendy ran around the yard and then went behind a bush at the edge of the yard to pee.While she did her business he got his phone out and tried to call you again, growling when it went straight to voicemal. He was about to call again but stopped when he heard a yelp, and loud growling.

”Wendy?!" He yelled, growing nervous when he didn’t see or hear her.
”Wendy?!" He yelled again, whistling.

Putting his phone in his pocket, he grabbed an umbrella sitting beside the door and made his way outside. He had just reached the middle of the yard when he heard another yelp and a loud snarl from the bush.

”Wendy!" he screamed, running straight for the bush. Just as he rounded it, he came face to face with the biggest dog he’d ever seen, its teeth bared as it glared down at the smaller dog. Wendy whimpered, and Niall raised the umbrella.

Hey!" He yelled, bringing the dogs attention to him. The dog growled and started towards him. Backing up, he swung the umbrella, swinging it to where it wouldn’t hit the dog, but scare it away instead. Seeing he had a way to fight back, the dog gave him one last growl and ran away. Dropping the umbrella, he crouched down beside of Wendy and picked her up.

You okay Wendy?" he asked, holding her out in front of him and checking for any damage. When he saw there wasn’t anything wrong, he placed her in the crook of his arm, grabbed the umbrella and headed back into the house. Once he got in, he dropped the umbrella and flopped down on the couch, still holding Wendy. Wiggling out of his arms, Wendy crawled up his chest and licked his face, thanking him.

No problem Love." He said, smirking when she barked and then snuggled up to him, watching tv with him until the both fell asleep.

~ 2 days later~

I’m home!" You yelled, dropping your bags at the door and running into the living room. To your surprise, there sat Niall on the couch with Wendy on his lap, feeding her bacon from the plate he had in his hand. Looking up, he smiled at you, and watched as Wendy let out a loud bark and ran to you.

Aww how is my baby?!" You cooed, picking Wendy up and holding her in front of you, she barked happily and you giggled.

Did daddy treat you right?" you asked, getting another happy bark. Smiling you walked over to Niall and kissed him.

Thank you Niall! And I missed you so much!" You said, smiling when he pulled you down to his lap and kissed you.

I missed you too." He muttered against your lips. "And so did Wendy." He said, petting the small dog on the head, both of you laughing when she barked.


SO SAME WITH THIS ONE I WAS TRYING SOMETHING NEW  THIS WAS ALSO AN IDEA FROM TMBLR I JUST FIXED IT AND CHANGED IT A BIT. I've updated twice today Proud of myself! Hoped you liked this one vote share and comment :3

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