It's Just acting

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A/N This one is really long sorry :3 

"Really?!" You asked, smiling really hard. You were trying your best not to hop up from you seat and jump up or down. 

"Yes Ms. Y/L/N. You got the part. We start shooting tomorrow at seven A.M. sharp." He explained and you nodded. You were so happy! This was your first actual role, and you got the lead.

"Yes, of course. Thank you. I'm looking forward to working with you." You said, grabbing the script and getting up from the chair. He nodded and you walked towards the door.

"Have a nice day! See you tomorrow Y/N!" He said, waving goodbye.

"You too sir!" You dismissed him, exiting the office. You couldn't wait to tell your boyfriend Niall! He's currently on tour. He's been on tour for three months. Of course every time he gets a break he always comes and sees you for the few days he's home. However, he hasn't had a break in over a month because he's busy working on their new album and performing at concerts. Since he's in another country right now, it literally seems impossible for you to see him.

You miss him, but you have to make the best out of the situation. You guys Face Time every chance he gets, and you text and call each other nonstop.

You pulled your phone out and called him. He didn't answer. You didn't sweat it though. You knew how busy he was and you weren't going to annoy him by calling him multiple times in a row. 

He's probably asleep or something. You thought as you stuck your iPhone back into your purse. 

As you walked out of the building, you saw swarms of paparazzi with flashing cameras in your eyes. You immediately put your sunglasses and hood on, pushing pass them as they yelled questions at you.

There were a few fans asking for pictures and stuff. You quickly put your head in the few girls cameras and apologized for being in such a rush.

You finally found your car at the end of the street. You took your keys out of your purse and unlocked the door ahead of time. When you reached the car, you quickly got in, put your seat belt on, and drove off.

You went straight to your's and Niall's shared home and sighed as you got out of the car. You checked your phone to see if Niall had text or called you. You were disappointed to see he didn't, but you couldn't worry because it's his job. You decided you'd send him a text anyways to make sure he was alright.

You: Hey Babe ;)

You looked at the text for a minute and then clicked the lock screen button at the top. You looked at the door and saw a sticky note on it. You looked at it for a minute and grabbed it, opening the door and locking it behind you.

You looked at it and there were words written on it.

I can't wait. 

You flipped it to look at the back before putting it in your purse your were confused, but you didn't pay any attention to it. You went into your bed room and sat your purse on the bed just as your phone rang, indicating you had a text. You quickly looked at it, hoping it was Niall, but it wasn't. It was your best friend. You opened the text.

Y/B/F: You busy?

You: No why?

Y/B/F: I was going to stop by.

You: Oh yeah! You can! I'm at home.

Y/B/F: Okay I'll be then in 30. (:

You: Okay! See you soon!

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