Chapter One

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New school

BEEP BEEP BEEP! Ugh, time for school. A new school to be exact. I shivered and not in the good way. My nerves are on edge, how am I gonna do this without Gavin? Gavin is my brother that left for college a month ago. Stupid college. Now I have to go to a school with a bunch of random strangers. I wished we could of stayed in New York. We were perfectly fine there, but no, we have to move all the way to a town in the middle of the forest in Texas.

Feeling homesick I decide to push all the negative thoughts and concentrate on the pros about moving. I can get a new start and create a new, more confident Anna.

Wobbling groggily I manage to make it to the sink in my personal bathroom. My reflection wasn't too bad. My hair was in fifty different directions but I didn't have any bags or eye boogies. I stripped and stepped into the shower letting the warm water wash away my nervousness. I washed my hair and body and stepped out.

"Anna! Hurry hun you're gonna be late!" My mom yelled from outside my door.

"I'll be down in about 10," I answered. I rushed and put on my red skinny jeans, white and black striped sweater, and black boots. I applied a little mascara, eyeliner, and a light lip gloss. I brushed my waist-length blonde hair, somehow managing to tame the rats nest it was before. "Damn I look good," I said and giggled as I stepped back and checked my reflection in front of my mirror.

I bounced down the stairs and made my way to my dads car screaming a farewell to my mother as I walked out the door. "Hey daddy!" I screamed hopping in the car and kissing him on the cheek.

"Morning princess. You sleep well?" My dad was such a kind man. With his gentle blue eyes and chocolate brown hair. Looking at us you could tell I definetly got my looks from him apart from the hair and eye color. Same long eyelashes and full lips.

"Yes and you?"

"Good and kinda. My legs were bothering me again." The smile he gave me didn't reach his eyes.

"Oh." And just like that my confident, happy mood subsided. Last year a couple of hunters captured my dad and ran a bunch of tests on him. In the process of finding out a few of our weaknesses, they injected him with large amounts of different silvers causing the muscle tissue in his legs to get weaker and weaker. There's a chance that he wont be able to walk any longer.

"Anna. Hello?"

"W-what?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"We're here." I looked out my window and saw a middle sized school painted red with a white stripe around the edges.

"It looks pretty nice. You better get out and hurry if you don't wanna be late." He kissed my forehead and told me to have fun.

"As if," I grumbled and climbed out of the car. I watched him speed off down the road and wished I was in the car with him. "Stupid school with its stupid stripe," I sound like a child whining because I didn't get my way. I giggled at the thought and began to walk towards the doors. The hallway was full of students and a few guys whistled as i passed by causing me to blush. I wondered if anyone else here was like me and my parents. I heard of all the packs around the world but I didn't sense any other wolves. Maybe because I got so used to being around humans at my old school. Or maybe because I hadn't shifted yet? I mentally shrugged. Relieved that no one tried to talk to me, I approached the office and came across a sight that had my stomach churning.

A guy and his assumed to be girlfriend were making out. How could they do that in front of all these people? They both stiffened and looked my way. I steered into the office hoping that they wouldn't confront me about staring.

A lady with frizzy black hair and glasses sat at the front desk. She looked up and handed me a piece of paper. "Your first class is straight down this hall. Take a right after the bathrooms."

I turned and made my way to the door. 'Wow that was weird.' I thought. "Oh and welcome Ms. Sanders," she flashed me a quick smile showing her pearly white teeth.

"Thanks," I muttered and found my way to class. A few feet from the door someone ran right into me. Luckily I didn't lose my balance and only stumbled. Tingles spread throughout my body. "Why don't you watch where you're going," a angelic but hard voice said.

"Excuse me? I do believe you're the one that ran into me," I said back trying to make my voice sound as harsh as I could.

I made no eye contact with the girl in front of me and not wanting to be late, continued my way to class. I felt tingles on my skin again as I brushed past her. I brushed it off though as I walked into class and found a seat in the very far back.

The bell rung and students flooded into the room, laughing and talking to one another.

"Hey new girl. Wassup?" A guy with blonde hair and grey eyes called out to me.

"Just waiting for school to be over," I grumbled.

"Aren't we all?" He joked and took the desk next to mine. "I'm Bryce. Bryce Taylor. And you are?" He held his hand out to me.

I shook his hand and answered "Anna." He held my hand longer than usual and chuckled. "Yo, you're hot."

I felt the blush rise to my cheeks and laid my head on my desk. Someone cleared their throat, causing me to look up. "You're in my seat so I suggest you move before I remove you from it," a huge bald guy with tree trunks for arms said. I glared at him as he glared back. For such an ass he had really nice eyes. They were a light honey brown. I shook away the thought mentally and gave him my best glare.

"Haven't you ever heard the saying 'first come, first serve?" I calmly asked him.

He became as red as a tomato and if looks could kill I would be six feet under with the bugs eating away at my flesh right now. But I held my ground and shot daggers with my eyes at him.

"You'll regret saying that," he growled and moved away to find another seat.

"That was awesome Ant, no one ever bothers with RJ Ashton, well besides Seth." Bryce said in between laughs. I noticed a few more kids were looking at me, shock evident on their faces. I glared at Bryce for the nickname that he gave me. Once again I laid my head on my desk. 'Good job Anna. You've managed to get a nickname that you already hate AND an enemy all in one day.'

Lucky me.


I know pretty long and boring, eh? I was just filling you in on a few things. I didnt want her to find her mate in the first chapter but!

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Thanks for reading <3. hay this is Destany! Cocos cousin I hacked in to this!!!

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