Chapter Three

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Anna's POV

The rest of class was boring and once the bell rang I couldn't wait to get out of there. As I went to walk out of the door, the guy who I now know as RJ Ashton, blocked my way.

"Where are you going little lady?" His menacing tone sent shivers of disgust down my spine. I mustered up all the confidence I had and tried to keep any emotion from my features.

"Could you just move? I don't have time for your bullshit," I spat. He looked shocked and hella pissed.

"Listen here you little-" he couldn't finish because someone had jerked him out of the way.

"RJ why must you pick on females man? It kinda makes me believe you're not as tough as you want everyone to think you are," his voice was unlike anything I have ever heard. Goosebumps formed on my arms and I shivered in lust. Whoa lust? What is wrong with me. I looked over at the guy who had rescued me. I couldn't see his face because his back was towards me, but from what i could see, he was tall, muscular, broad shouldered, and he had an amazing ass. I blushed crimson at the thought and ran away before thanking my savior.

As I was making my get away I heard RJ yell, "If you weren't the Alpha I would kick your ass."

Alpha? What did he mean by that? Was there a possibility that these people were like me and my family? If so, will they accept me if I haven't shifted? The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Although I did meet a few of Bryce's friends.

There was three he actually hung out with daily. Stephen Cook, a cute, funny guy with black hair and blue eyes, Kelly Spears, a ditsy cute blonde with hazel eyes, and Michael McCoy, a beyond handsome guy with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. A ladies man, no doubt. I could tell Stephen and Kelly were a thing or maybe "mates" because they were all over each other.

They were all very nice and welcomed me. "So how ya liking Texas girl?" Michael asked in his cute southern accent. I blushed and answered, "Besides the fact that RJ probably wants to kill me, I'd say I like it a lot."

"Oh, don't worry about him. He's just mad because you showed him up in front of everyone and then Seth punked him out," Bryce assured me while chuckling.

"Yea, besides, the Alph- I mean uh, Seth, would never allow him to hurt you," Stephen added with a smile showing off his deep dimples.

"Seth?" I questioned.

"Mhm, he's sort of like the protecter around here. He looks out for the members of the pa- school." Bryce answered. Michael smacked the back of his head and gave him a look. Bryce gave him an angry look back and turned his attention to the floor. His mishap confirmed my internal questions from earlier but I decided now wasn't the time for questions like that. School ended shortly after.

As I waited in the parking lot I saw the couple from earlier making out again. The guy looked like the one that had saved me from RJ earlier I would have to thank him. His name was Seth right? Ugh. That is so gross and embarrassing. I wanted to shout get a room but I just turned my head and waited for my father to come pick me up.

"Mind if I sit here?" Hey, I heard that voice somewhere. Honestly, it was lovely. I turned to look at the girl and answered "no go ahead." She stared at me and it seemed as if everything had disappeared and we were the only people around. I finally managed to look away from her.

"MATE!" My mind screamed. Oh no, oh no. This couldn't be happening. My mate was a chick!? Oh, curse the fates.

I heard her whisper mate.

"No." I whispered back breathlessly, but mostly to myself.

A look of pain and heartbreak crossed her features before it turned into anger. She ran down the road and into the woods. So I was right? Of course, how can I be so stupid? Why would we live among only humans? I suddenly had the urge to go see if she was ok, but I brushed it off and waved as my dad pulled up. I hopped in the car and gave him a huge smile. He returned the smile and asked me how my day was. I told him about the events that took place and about a few of the people I met. I left out the part about the girl being my mate.

"Sounds like you had a good time, except I don't want you around that RJ guy by yourself. Make sure Bryce or someone else is with you," he told me.

"Of course, dad." I couldn't help but think about my 'mate'. Where was she? Was she alright? Why do I even care? She's a chick. I'm not a lesbian, so why is my mate a chick? There's nothing wrong with lesbians but still. I just needed a nap. After my dad pulled up to the house I got out and ran to my room, saying hello to my mother as I ran upstairs. I collapsed on my bed and hid my face into my pillow.

Why me?


Well, well, well there's chapter three I hoped you all enjoyed it. You know what to do. Only if you want to though. Thanks for reading <3.


I have two mates and one is a chick!Where stories live. Discover now