Chapter Six

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Seth's POV

After basketball practice lets out I run straight into the direction I heard Jessie's howl come from. What if I'm too late? I swear to the Goddess if I don't reach her in time I will rip Coach Grants fucking head off. A member of our pack, MY pack could be hurt but no, "practice must go on son." Pathetic human.

I reached Jessie and relief rushed through me. She was fine. I shifted and demanded she do the same. After doing so, I knelt beside her and she grabbed my face and forced me to look her in the eyes.

As I reached of for her she snapped,"Don't touch me!"

"Whoa. What is your problem?" I asked confused.

"How did you know something was wrong and where to find me?" She questioned.

"I heard your saddened howl and we are mates. I will always know where to find you Jessie."

"We are NOT mates Seth." My eyebrows knit themselves together. "I found my mate today," She whispered, as if she were scared of my reaction.

"Are you lying because you don't wanna be with me anymore? Is that it, huh!? You are mine, MINE Jessie," I yelled. Angry and confused as to why she would be lying.

"The fates prove otherwise Seth. Now calm down. Why in the hell would I lie about finding my mate!? If it makes you any happier SHE REJECTED ME!" She fell to the ground, sobs racking her body.

I knelt beside her and apologized for being such an ass. "Hold on, did you say she?" She nodded and I shook my head, dumbfounded as hell.

"But how? You're not a- a lesbian. Are you?"

"No! But she is my mate and I love her no matter her sexuality or gender!" She spat.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I decided to break it by saying, "What are you gonna do? You can't just sit here and cry forever."

Even though I had just lost the love of my life, I couldn't act selfish and only think about myself in this situation.

She laughed. I was confused."I am a Royal, Seth. I will wait for or fight to have my mate forever if it takes that long." I nodded. Would I fight that hard for Jessie? I thought I would.

"Look, can you just take me home, MY home. I have to call and explain to my parents why I wasn't there when they were coming to pick me up." All I could do was nod. I now knew that all feelings she had for me were gone and I wasn't ready to give her up just yet. Even if I had a mate out there somewhere or not. I gave her my Letterman and headed towards my car. Driving in silence the whole way to her parents house.

She gets out but turns around quickly and says, "I'm still coming to the party later. The drinking could help me take my mind off of her and my broken heart," she chuckles half-heartidly. I just smile and send her a wave.

I drive home and decide to just get ready for the party. Tonight I'm getting drunk. And tonight I'm gonna fuck anything that comes my way.


Douchebag :I too bad his wants wont exceed his needs (:

Thanks for reading. You know what to do :D.

Veronica <3

I have two mates and one is a chick!Where stories live. Discover now