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*Niall's POV*

If I knew anything it was that he looked extremely good today. I bit the top of my pen gently as his arms flexed from him stretching his arms.

"I mean damn." I whispered to myself.

I saw him pull out his mirror again and I looked down in hopes of him not getting the reflection of me in that mirror of his. I blushed thinking if he'd ever actually look for me in that mirror. If it would be more than an accident. I ran a hand through my hair and finished the questions off.

I brought my legs up in the chair with me and crisscrossed them. I looked back up to Zayn and he looked confused now looking at the questions. Oh how I wish he was just smarter. I'm not on my high horse and I won't lower my standards but he's my baby. Whether he knows it or not.

I sighed holding my paper up. First one done. As always. The teacher came and collected it giving me the homework. I watched the whole class period hold up their papers throughout the period and then there was Zayn. Who was still scratching his head looking at the same 15 questions. By now just make a educated guess. Really.

"Come on dud we won't be able to talk until you're finished." Someone whispered.

"Why? Your ugly ass. You don't have a friends to talk to." I heard Zayn we peak aloud circling an answer.

I heard the girl groan. He held up the paper and the teacher collected it. It wasn't much time left in the period. But it gave me enough time to finish the homework. When I was done I put it in my book bag and sat quietly. Stared intently.

Why do I waste my time. I could be doing so much with my life. But instead I'm tripping over this boy who makes everyone swoon. Everyone in the school and I think he'd choose me? Really only in my dreams. When the bell rung I didn't hesitate to grab my things and go. I ended up being right behind Zayn. I took in his scent. He smelled so good. It made me just want to lay up under him.

He stopped just to check hisself in the mirror making people behind me groan. "Hold your horses." He said.

I held my head down so he wouldn't see me in the reflection of his mirror. The line pushed on and someone pushed me into him. He turned around and I blushed.

"You-" he looked at me and just groaned leaving. I quickly left going in the opposite direction.

What was that? He didn't insult me? But I embarrassed myself. I have mixed emotions about what just happened. I saw Liam running up to me.

"You look like your constipated." He said and I relaxed my face.

"I just bumped into Zayn and he couldn't insult me. I mean he probably could of but he didn't. And wow. Maybe things will start to turn around. And he'll notice me more often." I said.

"And maybe then he'll come riding pat on his stallion and hoist you up and ride a rainbow into the horizon." Liam said sarcastically.

"I'm serious-" he cut me off.

"No  I'm tired of talking about him. We always do. I want to talk about what I did when I went to our neighboring school." He said and I raised a eyebrow.

"I gave the guy your number." He said.

My eyes widened. "Why would you do that?" I asked him.

"He asked me 'What happened to the blond cutie that used to come up here?'" Liam said and I blushed.

"Well I'm interested now. What did you say?" I asked him.

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