Twenty One

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I'm so sad. < I was sad. That's how you can tell I've been writing this chapter for too long. It's been a whole week since I felt that way and I started that way before a week ago. But anyways I don't feel like reading over this so I apologize for mistakes and I hope it makes sense. And Wattpad loves to just start bolding all my words and I'm like wtf and I always have to change it.

*Zayn's POV*

I saw Niall getting his books out his locker and I walked over to him and he looked super tired.

"Hard partying with the nan?" I asked him and he smiled at me leaning against me.

"My nan wanted me to try champagne and so I did, and behind my mom and her back I drunk more and more. And we didn't get in yesterday till 1 because my nan wanted to watch old home videos but she was happy you know?" I asked him.

"Yeah I get it. That was real sweet. Probably shouldn't have drank a lot though. You okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah the medicine kicked in before I walked in the building." He said closing his locker and we walked to class.

"Hey Love, I have something for you for after school so can you come over mine?" I asked him.

"Of course." I said and we got in class and we had independent time.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Well that would ruin the surprise though." I said.

"I'm anxious." He said.

"I remember when you were anxious that first time we went out. To the bonfire. You didn't know where I was taking you." I said.

"My first date was my best date ever. I don't know if that can be topped. I'll always remember it." He said and I smiled.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of Niall and then a couple of us and a whole lot of me.

"Goodness that's like you're 19th picture." He said.

"I'm just trying to get it right." I said.

"The first picture was. You don't need much to make you look good Zayn." He said.

"I know that's right. I don't need anything to make me look good. I do that on my own." I said.

"And I see what you tried to do. What's my gift?" He asked me.

"I went to the fabric store with my mom and I saw this thing that might be nice so I bought it and I made it." I said.

"You made it?" He asked me wearing a crooked smiled.

"Yes. That's what I just said." I repeated.

"Okay okay, it's just unbelievable." He said

"Well believe it." I said.

"What do you have for lunch today?" He asked me.

"A chicken Caesar salad, apple slices and some yoghurt." I said.

"Portion control?" He asked me.

"No but I'm up to share, I always am when it comes to you." I said.

"Shut up. That was sweet but you not my boyfriend so stop saying that to me." He said.

"If that's the way it has to be then alright. Tell me that then." I said. "And be consistent." I told him.

"Okay." He said.

"I'm serious Niall. This is very important." I said.

"I know I know." He said.

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