Chapter 4: New Life

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Chapter 4: New Life

Everything is gonna change. I've just arrive in America for the first time an hour ago. Mayce lives in California in a town called Danville, shall we say Phineas and Ferb? Yeah, that's her town.

Her house is big and the sweet scent of happiness embraces me. But somehow, it makes me think about what happened eight hours ago. England is not that far to be travelled with, in fact it only takes five hours to be in the air.

Macey helps me unpack my things and everything is getting unusual. The pain that I feel is unbearable. I saw Macey looking at me and then I feel her hug. I've cried really hard. This is some serious dip shit.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Just take your time here. Your parents will surely make someways to escape and put Philip in the prison where he truly belongs. He's a power-hungry person, a selfish man. Just follow what you're parents says, okay?" Macey says and she's right. My parents are wise and they'll find a way.

"When will the class starts?" I've asked while unpacking my things.

"Well, you have three days to start with. I'll enroll you tomorrow and we'll have makeover too to change your appearance a little bit." She replied.

I nodded. This gonna change my life but not forever.

"Macey, please don't make it brown!" I argue with her not to make my hair brown. Man, I love my blonde hair and I don't want it to be change. Instead, I let it curl a little, cut it near my shoulders and have side bangs. Macey still wanted to dye it brown cause I look noticeable, but I prefer not. They may not notice me anymore. I was once a very straight haired person, now I'm a wavy one.

Anyways, after changing my personal look, Macey drag me into shopping. It's my first time though, and to move on into what happened yesterday, I spend the rest of the day buying some new clothes, shoes, stuffs, and a bag. Of course I have some clothes I had in England, but who would want to wear a gown in going to school? Definitely not a good idea.

After hours of shopping, finally we got what we need. Now all I need to do is learn how to live like a normal teenager. I'm usually depending on my maids and servants serving me everything. But of course, I know how to cook. My father usually teaches me how to.

"So, can you tell me some rules and regulations about Danville High?" I've asked, trying to think on what I will do tomorrow. Tomorrow's the first day and I barely know everyone, yet. And, it's my first time to be in a normal school, no more home schooling.

"Simple. Be cool and stay away from bitches and bad boys," She said, surfing on the net.

Oh well, guess I need to stay away form that kind of person but why does every school have bitches and bad boys? Aren't they disciplined from the teachers and the terrifying detentions?

"Macey, does your school don't have disciplinary actions about bullies?" I ask, dumbfounded.

She gaves me a stare and sigh, "There are disciplinary actions. In fact, it's a private school. One of the private schools who didn't pursue and insist there students to wear uniforms. It's just that, most of them are rich that their parents could afford to buy their own degree."

Well that's a new one. I bet most of the teenagers now a days have their own rules.

Money. Money makes them obsessed. Makes them do anything they want. Oh well, I guess it will be better if I just stay away from them.

"Who are these guys?" I've asked. Curiosity kills me.

"Ashley Stinky," Macey replied.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusiosn, "Stinky? Who have a family name like that?"

Macey laugh. Yeah right, she caught me, "Just kidding. It's Ashley Stanks, head cheerleader. You know what are cheerleaders right? Most of them are bitches, especially the head one. I'm not saying all of them, most of them."

Yeah right, most of them.

"And, Harry Parker." That caught my attention. Parker? Same family name with Claire. Oh well, most people have the same family name now a days.

"Astrid, be sure to stay away of them, okay? They're bullies. They could tear your identity apart. By the way, change your name. Just let them call you Astrid."

"But why? I want you alone to call me that name." Call me like a baby, but I want my only best friend calls me that name.

Macey sighed, "I know. It's just that, don't let them call you Eli. Philip might find you. Just let them call you Astrid for now. Just change your name into Astrid Curtis. That's it."

I nodded. Macey's right. She gave me a assuring smiled and continued talking about those guys. Man, they look like bullies, not to mention their issues, they're rich enough to cover it up. Besides, they're pretty famous.

"Good night Astrid."

"Good night. Wish me luck tomorrow."

Philip's POV

"Put them there. Make sure those paparazzi's don't know about this or our plans will be ruined," I commanded my guards to put the majesties in their rooms and locked them there until I have Eli. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sighed. Everything was going well until Eli showed up and tear my plan into pieces. She just ruined everything.

"Why are you doing this Philip?" King Steven ask and I just give him a smile.

I shrugged and replied to his question, "You know why? Power. Power gives you everything and someday I'll have it."

"You bastard! You use us. You use our daughter for power!" He was about to punch me but luckily my guards stop him before he hit my face.

"I didn't use your daughter. I loved her."

"Loved her? You cheated on her!" The Queen interrupted and slap on me on the face.

With such rage, I pushed her and Steven and the rest of the servants helped her.

"I was wrong on cheating to her but it also feels like she's not ready for our engagement. I was tempted at that time. I was begging for her forgiveness but it feels like she wanted to settle everything between us. It ruined my chance to be a royal. So, I planned this one out. Guess what? I'm almost half way to my success." I say.

"You'll pay for this!"

I was busy on my plan and thinking my next moves that I didn't have the time to listen to their mad and angry accusations to me.

Who am I to be blamed? I love Eli so much but I was wrong on cheating to her. I love her, I really do but I also love being one of the royals. When I've learned that she won't accept me again, it crumbled my dream. Now I need to do something to have that dream.

Someday, I'll have her and I'll never let her go.

So, how is it? Do you like it? Hope you'll leave a comment about what you think. Don't forget to vote if you like it. I'm gonna appreciate it. Thanks!

Shaine 😘😘

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