Chapter 11: She's my girlfriend

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Chapter 11: She's my girlfriend

"Astrid, I need you to come over at my house at five," I was currently eating lunch with Macey and Liz when Harry suddenly interrupt.

"At five? Why?" I ask Harry with furrow eyebrows. What does he wants now? He sit beside me and replied,"Let's have a tutoring session right now. I need to prepare myself for this upcoming Math test on Monday."

"Yeah, but you know, today is Friday. We can have Saturday." I try myself to convince him that we have a tutoring session on Math. We will have a girls night out with Macey and Liz. I don't want to miss it again since I miss it last week when I ended hanging out with James and Blake - Harry's friends.

"Well yeah, but I have a busy schedule. My parents will be coming today.Tomorrow we will have a family dinner party and a family bonding. And on Sunday, I will be attending Charles's Party." He said.

"Yep, it's really a busy schedule for a teenager though. Come on Astrid, just have that tutoring session thing now," Liz said, wriggling her eyebrows. Macey nodded in agreement. I raised my an eyebrow for them. Seriously, guys?

"Fine. Will be at your house at five," I let out of sigh. Here we go again. Tutoring session ended on hanging out with him. He nodded and left our table. I followed his trail and stop looking at him when he sees me looking at him. He's currently sharing table with his friends.

"You like him," Macey said, smiling teasingly.

"What? No!"I exclaimed.

"Pfft. Don't be shy. Just tell it, you like him," Liz said. Right, she finally move to Macey's teasing side.

"Seriously guys. I don't like Harry. He's even worse than Philip," My eyes then widen on what I said. Macey's eyes were widen too. Okay,I slip a stupid word.

"Who's Philip?" Liz ask. She tries to sit properly. I bet she's getting interested on knowing him.

"Philip? He's...he's my ex." I said silently.

"Oh, sorry for bothering. Didn't know," Liz said shyly. She gives me a faint smile after saying it. Silence then fell on our table.

"So, who wants dessert?" Macey said, smiling. We then both exchange chuckles followed by a laugh. Wew, nice to know that my friends knows how to break a silence in not a very awkward situation.


"Like I told you, understand the given problem first before you'll try to solve it! God, why can't you understand?" I put my hands in the air and ruffled my hair in annoyance. We've been repeating this question like forever.

"Dammit. How can I understand when my tutor is high tempered person!" He hisses and shouted. Right, now he's mad too. I rolled my eyes. I was currently sitting beside him. I mean too close to let him touch our shoulders. And yeah, too close to punch him in the face!

I let out a long breath.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

"Alright Harry. Read again the damn question and take time to understand it and focus," I said and giving him a really wide reassuring smile. He stare at me for a while before saying, "You know, you're smile is really a one big fake smile." He said smirking.

Right, it's really a fake one. Just trying to smile to control myself or I'll ended up punching his stupid face.

"Take time Harry, just focus." I left him on his study table and lay myself in his bed. Man, it's really a tiring day. Many things happened in school plus Harry and me, the tutor thing. I'm really exhausted. After minutes on rolling myself on his bed, he throw me his stupid book causing me to jolt in shockness.

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