Chapter 21 part 2: Conquering Fear

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Chapter 21 part 2: Conquering Fear

"Come on," Harry said climbing out to the little boat. He lend me a hand and I grab it and pull me out of the boat. I pat my hands on my jeans, removing some dirt. I looked around and there I saw some flowers and the full moon is giving beauty to the river who glowed from the moon's light. Then, I saw the ferris wheel he's talking. It's really big. I mean, like I don't know, 30 feet? I don't know, it's really big.

I walk towards the Ferris wheel and I saw Harry standing below the ladder of the Ferris wheel.

"Ready to climb up to the top?" He smiles, giving me a challenge look.

Wait, climb up? I'm scared of heights!

I shook my head in disapproval, "No way. I won't climb. It's so big! And tall." I hear him chuckle and shook his head in disapproval too, "No worries. We'll climb together. I bet you'll love the view on the top." and He lend me a hand. I really wanted to climb, but I'm scared. I'm really afraid of heights.

I really wanted to this, to conquer my fear. So, I let out a long breath and hold his hand. I see his smile forming on his face.

"You're hands are trembling and cold." He said. I look at him and let out a breath, "I'm scared Harry." I see him smile again. "Don't you worry. At least you conquer your fear."

I smiled on what he said. No one ever said me that, to conquer my fear. Not even Macey because she is the complete opposite. She told me if I conquer my fear, I'll die young. That really scares me. Thanks to Harry, for the first time in forever, I'll done my greatest achievements of all.

Harry started climbing on the ladder that is stick on the Ferris wheel. I think they put ladder in case if the Ferris wheel breaks down and stops turning and left people in the top, and in order to get down, they'll use the ladder. But, it's really dangerous.

"What are you waiting for Astrid? Come on!" Harry shouts from the top. I think he's in the seventh step. I let out a breath and started to climb. I stop in sixth step. He's still in the seventh step. He smiles and started climbing up again. I followed him and climb. When we were like 51th step, I can sense were really high right now. 51th step is the last step of the ladder. I see Harry making a big step and making his last climb, the steel bars which directly goes to one of the seats of the Ferris wheel, were the people who rides sits.

I do as what he do. I took a big step on the steel bars. I see Harry lending a hand to me, But my crazy head turns around and look below. I am in really high place right now. Really high. My hands are starting to sweat and if it sweats more, I'll surely lose a grip. My mind really have the urge to go down and yes, I really wanted to go down!

"Come on, don't be scared. You're on the top right now." I wanted to touch his lending hand right now and lift me up to sit beside him on the seat, but I'm really scared. This is really a bad idea on climbing to the top, especially if you're afraid of heights.

"Come on, don't be scared."

"Don't be scared? What if I make the wrong move? What if I I fall?"

"Then, I'll catch you." I was out of my negative thoughts and my hands are stopping to make sweats on what Harry said.

I smiled on what he said. I know he meant to catch me if I fall accidentally, but I'm thinking,

What if I make the wrong move? What if I fall for him? Will he catch me?

That thought keeps swirling in my mind, until I hear Harry smirks. I'll bet he's smirking because I was mesmerized on what he said earlier. I rolled my eyes and grab his hand. He lifts me up and I am currently standing in one of the cubicles of the Ferris wheel. I pat my jeans and when I'm done, I saw Harry smiling infront of me.

"Congratulations. You conquered your fear."

I smiled and look out the view. My eyes widen and my mouth was hanged open. What a magnificent sight! There were many lights sparkling over the ground and stars sparkling above. It's like I've seen a million diamonds.

I look at Harry smiling before I hesitate to face the view. It's really fascinating. It's really beautiful.

"I told you it's beautiful." He said while facing the view. I look at him and smiled, "It's not just beautiful. It's, amazing." He looks at me and smiled again.

"Did you bring someone here? Besides me?" I've ask.

"No. You're the first one I bring here."

I smiled on the thought that I'm the only one who was been in here because he said he only bring person who is special to him. I never thought that he would say that because actually, I thought at least he's friends came here already.

"Astrid, can I ask you something?" I nod and he said, "Can you promise me that you wouldn't tell about this place?"


"Thanks. From now on, this place is not mine anymore. It's ours."

I smiled and continued looking at the view. This place is really amazing.


Harry's POV

We continued staring the view, until I feel a head resting on my shoulder. I look at my shoulder and saw Astrid sleeping soundly. She's like an angel. So innocent, so cute, so beautiful. I smiled and shook her head, trying to wake her up. But nothing, no respond. I look at my watch and I found it out it's already 1:17 am. No wonder she's so sleepy.

How can we get down now? I can't carry her going down, she'll fall because I can't carry her while climbing down the ladder. I shook her head again this time. And this time, she wakes up.

"Hey, come on. Let's go home." I whisper in her ear and she nodded sleepily. I climb down first in case if she slips, I can catch her.

After a few minutes, we safely landed on the ground. I was walking towards the car but I sense no one was following me, I barely even here footsteps behind me. I look back and saw Astrid sitting and leaning on the ladder sleeping. I chuckle when I realize she's really tired.

I walk towards her direction and carry her bridal style. I look at her while carrying. She's so beautiful. I smiled on the thought.

I shook my head and go to the car. I open the front seat door and put her on the seat. I go inside the car and started to drive.

A few minutes later, we arrived at Macey's house. I opened the door while carrying her bridal style again. Once we were inside, I opened her room and lock it. I put her in bed. She's sleeping soundly. I sit beside her and move some strands in her face and kissed her forehead.

I couldn't forget this day. I bring her to my special place. I didn't even bring my friends on that place.

I think I just bring someone who is special to me and that is Astrid.

I smiled on the thought of that, but this time, let's just destiny and fate rule over us, about the two of us.

This time, I'll just enjoy the times that it's only us. And no one else.

Hey guys! At last, I finally updated. I've got my oldest symptom this past few days, it's LAZINESS. I'm being lazy these past few days of updating. But anyway, there's Harry's POV already. And I hope you like this chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to @DenielaLindo.

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