Chapter 26: He's back

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Hey lovelies!
Okay, so before I started this chapter, I wanted to thank you for your undeniable support. 12k is way too good to be viewed and I'm the happiest 14 year old girl ever! By the way, I'm so sorry for letting you wait too long. I appreciate the users who asked me to let me update. It really motivates me. Hoping you vote, comment and share my story. That would really mean a lot to me! 😘😘😘😘

PS: I'm changing some parts of the story. And it's really important because it affects the whole story. Chapters 1-7 are already change. If you want to do some RR, it's fine with me. Just leave some comments! 😂

Astrid's POV

Harry left me hanging. I can't believe my nightmares came in to reality. Harry just know my secrets and I'm here standing in a cliff, dumb-founded on what just happened earlier. It all hurts. The pain is consuming inside of me and it hurts so much.

Harry just left me. He just left me!

Tears are rolling down my cheeks and I can't stop crying. Weather seems to be with me today since it's raining. Harry's heart is cold and what it disappoint me is that he doesn't want me to explain. Bu I can't blame him. I should tell him before it's too late. Now, I've taken the consequences.

I saw a small hut and decided to take a shelter in there. As I reached there, I wanted to reached Macey and tell her everything. I dialed the phone number and it started beeping.

"Hello?" Macey picks the call and I heard laughter from the other side. Good for them, they're happy while I'm hear crying all the hell I want.

"Macey," I called back and I'm catching my breath, "Macey, Harry knows the truth."

"What?" Macey exclaimed on the other side and continued, "How? Is this part of the plan of Phil? Where are you know?" Macey asks so many questions but I didn't answer them all. Next, I hear chattering of voices front the other side. Everyone was asking me what happened, yet I'm here. Screaming my pain and agony.

"Look, I'm fine. I'll be going home tomorrow," and I ended up. I don't want to talk about it. Macey called again but I didn't answer. She keeps on calling but I keep on ignoring her. Then, she stops. She texted me and accepted my privacy.

Looks like I'm going to our vacation house alone.

I found a ride and after minutes of riding, I arrived at the mansion of Harry. I know he's in there and I would explain everything to him, even if he doesn't want to listen.

I reached for the door and surprisingly, I found the house empty. Lights were off and no sign of ears on inside the house except me. I turn on the lights and walk in the bedroom. My mouth hang open. Harry's clothes were no longer in the wardrobe and what makes me think more that he leaves is that I receive a text form Blake saying Harry will leave England right at this moment.

Again, Harry leaves me again!

I closed my eyes and wanted to just hold my tears. Why do Harry do this to me? Yeah right, because I lied and hide of really who I am.

The weather just turned okay and I need a lonely peaceful night outside to rest and calm myself. I opened the balcony and stared at the sky. Stars are starting to show up and I can see they're twinkling with happiness.

What did I do to deserve this? Of course it's my fault why I didn't tell Harry right away, but people now a days can't be trusted and I just can't tell him about me and where I come from. Philip takes this way too seriously.

Curse that guy!

I shouldn't fall for his tricks and most of all, I shouldn't fall for him. After all, it's my fault why I let myself attract to him whom in the first placed, he cheated.

Philip is the guy whom I taught would be perfect for me, but I was wrong. He was the perfect nightmare. I perfect nightmare who would ruin a little girl's dream. I blame myself for everything happened to me.

I can't just lose Harry like that especially if I'm already falling for him. Yes, I admit. I love him but I'm afraid he's just like Philip who would eventually broke my u heart after I let myself fall.

Why do I think of Philip? Yeah right, because I can't let myself move on on what we had before.

"Hello dear."

I jolted on my seats only to realize Philip was standing behind me. Smile playing in his lips. My eyes widen and I couldn't catch my breath. How the hell did he get inside here?

"Seem surprised," he said and walks toward me. He's alone, I know. He doesn't have any acquaintance with him. He came closer to me and touch my wet cheeks and remove some hair flocks on my face and tuck it behind my ear.

I miss this feeling.

Wait, what the hell am I thinking?

Everything seems confusing. I know I've moved on but it's not easy to forget what we and and there are still some little sparks on me whenever Philip looks me in the eye. His eyes that once attracted me.

"Stay away from me," I push him back and I held my tears who wants to escape in my eyes. I see a flash of hurt in Philip's eyes. He walks closer to me and hug me. Well, I didn't expect that to come.

"I miss you so much. It's been so long," he whispered and I can feel his warm body draped against me and I can smell his usual scent. It sent shivers down my spine and my emotions are really mixed right now.

"Philip, Stay away from me. You have caused a lot of trouble since you came to my life," I said and this time, I cry again. I want to embrace him and let my sorrow from which Harry gave to me poured it all to him. But I know I just can't do it.
Not now that Philip is the bad guy.

I see a little flash of hurt again and his arms wrapped around mine a little tighter. I cried all I want. A hug is all I need right now. Emotions are mixed. Like, really really mixed.

"Why are you crying?" He ask as he hug me tighter. I answered as I sob, "Harry. Harry just left me because he knows the truth. It's because of you."

When he heard my answer, he pulled away and knitted hie eyebrows. "It's the only way for you to come back."

I shook my head, tried to answer him but eh pulled me closer and planted me a kiss. A kiss that I never felt from him before. It's all wrong, freaking wrong.

I pulled away and slap him in the face. "Don't you dare kiss me! You ruined my life." I said as I cried in front of him. He touch his cheek where I hit him but he only showed me more hurt in his eyes. I know he's hurt right now and I wanted to let him feel what's the feeling.

God damn it! It feels so good.

"Astrid, I'm sorry." That's all he said but it's enough. I shook my head and let all my thoughts and feeling poured out.

"No need to be sorry Phil, I don't want your apology. I want you to free my parents and free me. Free us from all these chaos you made and let go. Moved on Phil, just let me go."

His eyes widen and held his hand in my cheek, "I can't let you go. I still loved you."

My eyes widen on what he said. I know he really doesn't want me to let go. But I love Harry now and I don't want to miss the chance.

"I'm sorry Philip, but I loved Harry now and you have nothing to do about it."

His eyes widen with a little anger mix with hurt, "That boy who hurts your heart and left you? Please, he's no good to you."

That made me mad. Look who's talking!

"He may left me but I know he will comeback to me after I reveal him the truth and we will solve everything. He's not like you Phil. He's way more better than you. He may be a bad boy, but he's god damn perfect and I know we're perfect each other and I don't want you to ruin it."

After that, I started packing some things left in my wardrobe and started walking outside, ready to go home. But Philip grabs my arms and caressed my palms once more before he go.

"I promise I will be back for you and prove to you that I'm way more better than that guy."

Then, he left me and went farther until he's out of sight. I don't know whether he meant it or not but I know he's planning something that will involve Harry into this.

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