Chapter 24: Happy Birthday

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Chapter 24: Happy Birthday

Philip's POV

Prom was last week and I don't even see Eli on the prom, which means my plan didn't work. My soldiers said she attended the prom but not long when there was a boy came after her and brought her out the gymnasium and never returned. My soldiers said it's Harry Parker. Some says he's the son of Mary, the royal family's gown designer, some says he's just a normal teenager.

Anyways, I need some new plan right now. I've been chasing Eli for so long and villagers still think that the king and queen are still alive. Yeah that's right, they are but I told them that they're dead and I'll bring their stupid princess to marry her to be their new king not knowing that Eli would be just like her parents, be dumped in the dungeon.

Someday, truth will be revealed and by that I'll use Harry to be the one who discover who she really is.
Astrid's POV
Today is my birthday. I'm already 18! Besides, I'm still not happy because chaos is still going on England and, my parents is still in dangerous situation. I can't even stop thinking about them. If anything of this won't happen, I'm sure I'm celebrating one of the happiest birthday ever.

Anyways, somehow I've been busy in school since prom. So many projects are given to the students, luckily, our last project to be passed is all about research of England. I'm pretty excited about this because I don't need to research, I already know about my country's history, the resources, and my villager's lifestyle. Somehow, I'm lucky that my teacher didn't let us research about the royal family. Present royal family because if she let us research about that, my secrets will be revealed.

Anyways, I am currently reading a book in the library. My friends are also busy doing their project. Macey and Liz insist me to help them in the research but, no thanks. It's up to them whether they wanted to know my country or not. The boys are out of practice while Macey and Liz are doing something before our research.

I am already fixing my things in going home. While I was going home, I saw a sight of one of Philip's soldiers. I mean I already know that they are here in Sunnyville and I'm guessing they are spying me. I ran, as fast as I can so that they wouldn't know where I live. Maybe, they'll attack me in the house and kidnap me if they know where I live, so I better be smart about escaping them.

I arrived in the house after a 20 minutes run. I am really catching my breath right now and surprisingly, I thought there will be a surprise birthday my friends gave to me but nothing. The house is quiet and dark. No signs of living person in the house except me. Well, I guess they are busy enough to surprise me. Nevermind, I'll just do something that is not boring.

I go to the kitchen to get some nachos and,

"Surprise!" A party popper explode in front of me and a piece of cake and some food to enjoy.

"Happy 18th birthday Astrid!" They all cheered. Aww, so sweet it gave me a tears of joy. I gave thanks to them and blow the eighteen candles and they all eat the cake like a pig. Still early to enjoy my birthday though, it's still one in the afternoon. Principal Brown let us dismiss early to do our loaded projects and besides I didn't see Harry today. He didn't join the surprise birthday.

I felt a hand holding my hand and I look into it. Speak of the devil, Harry is here, holding my hand.

"Hey, happy birthday cupcake." He said, kissing my nose. I blush instantly on what he did. I hear him smirk. Ugh, that stupid smirk again.

"Come on," he said, dragging me to the door.

"Where are we going?"

"Just find out when we get there."

And here he goes again, surprise surprise. Hmm, that attitude of Harry never gets old.
After a one hour drive, he brings me to the...airport? I don't know what he's up to but why would he bring me to the airport? Is he trying to deport me to other place?

"Harry, why are we here?" I've ask nervously. He looks at me and smiled, "I just want to bring you to another place to enjoy your birthday." I sigh and well, I smiled and thanked him. He's really sweet though. I wonder where will he bring me. He didn't say anything. I may thought he will bring me to France. He said somewhere in Europe.

We both ride in the plane. "Harry, do our friends know about this?" I've asked. He nodded and said, "Yeah, but they didn't know where I'm bringing you." I nodded and just enjoy ride. I'm really guessing he's bringing me to Paris. That will be a great honor to bring me there and besides, no need to wonder  where he get the money. He's rich after all.

After an hour in the plane, I passed out. I'm really sleepy.

Somewhere in my dreams, I feel a big hand shaking me "Hey, wake up." Someone nudge my shoulders and I slowly wake up. "Astrid, were here." I arrange myself and prepare for our trip. I'm guessing it's 4 in the afternoon. It maybe 2 hours ride in the plane. Where are we by the way?

"Welcome aboard everyone. Enjoy your stay at England."

What? England? Oh crap. Were in England!

"Harry, England! For real?" I've said, shockness is read on my face. He nodded and said," Yeah, aren't you excited? We'll gonna tour every famous places in England. And I got two tickets to have a tour inside the palace!" He said. He's really excited.

This is trouble! Oh no. What will I do. What if Harry will find out who I am and besides, there will be some guards that Philip assigned. And who the hell made my kingdom a tourist spot? My kingdom is no place for stupid tours!

Nevermind. I should be careful this time. Besides, Philip is in Sunnyville, I hope so.

"Harry, how long will we stay here?" I've asked. We are now going down the plane and I saw a bag on Harry's hand. What's up with the bag? "Harry, what's inside the bag?" I've asked. "It's our clothes. We will be staying here till we're done touring the beautiful places here."

"Harry, how about our project?" I've said, trying to make ways to go home. I love staying here and I miss this place. My people still didn't know about the chaos Philip brought to me and my family.

"Nah, our friends already made it." He said confidently. I'm guessing he already planned this a week before my birthday,

"Harry, how about our school days? We can't absent, you know that."

"Don't you worry Astrid. I lied to Principal Brown that you will go to somewhere else accompanied by me because one of your family member is sick. Don't you worry. Just enjoy our vacation here." He said with a wink.

"Okay" I sighed, feels like I'm defeated in escaping this place, "Where are we staying?"

"On my old house, near the palace."

"Astrid, I don't want you to get stress. It's your birthday and we'll extend your birthday if you want. Just enjoy it. Can you promise me that?" He said, touching my cheeks.


This will be a great trouble.

Hey! Sorry for the very very very long wait. I'm too busy and besides I'm getting tired of updating sometimes. Don't you worry, I'm looking forward for her secrets to be revealed.



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