Chapter 14: Favor

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Chapter 14: Favor

A loud bang hit my table. I am currently reading Nicholas Spark's The Notebook on the library to avoid distractions while Macey and Liz are doing their project.

I stop reading and look the book which is a history book about on a country. Then, I look at the person and saw Harry straight looking to me.

"What?" I snap. I hated the way he distracts me everytime I am focusing on something I do. When, he didn't say something, I rolled my eyes and look away.

"Hey, I need a favor." He said and this time it caught my attention.

"What?" Hmm..I wonder what is it?

"We'll have a fake dating just for tomorrow." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes on what he said. Duh, fake dating. Is he serious? I would rather die than date with him even if it's just a fake one.

"No." I shook my head.

He furrow his eyebrows before saying, "What do you mean no?"

"No because I won't deal."

"I don't accept answers like no. Remember, I help you to get rid of those two men who's flirting you when we are having a paintball."

Yeah right. But flirting? Eew...gross. You don't know Harry that they are looking for me to bring me back to England.

"What is your favor again?" I ask. I want to play with him for a while. He smiles and give me an evil grin after realizing that I think I might agree eventhough I'm not.

"Please help me get rid of Ashley. She's gone crazy when we start dating the other day."

"Ashley? Who's Ashley?" I've ask. I really don't care on the students here. I'm just a temporary student here. I hope so.

"You know, Ashley. Ashley Greene. Head cheerleader and bitch who's drooling over me." He said it proudly and then smirk. I rolled my eyes. Duh,  as if I care.

"So? What's wrong with that? You should be happy that someone accepts you and drool over you eventhough you're stupid jerk."

"Everybody's drooling over me."

"Whatever." I said and and continued reading. Why does he said everybody's drooling over him eventhough I don't? I bet bitches and gays are the only one drooling over him. I would be very please to know someone like bitches and gays drooling over him and give them favor to scare him that they would be always there on his side or chase him.

I giggle at my thoughts. That would be funny.

But someone would really interrupt, "I want your answer Astrid. Help me or you'll die."

"You know, you could just fuck off." His eyes widen same as mine on what I've said. I can't believe I say fuck. Holy Crackers. If mom and dad is here, they'll kill me instantly.

"Okay, so I supposed you will prepare your last will." He said and gives me an evil grin. Alright shit.

Wait? Shit? Okay, maybe I stopped saying bad words now.

But then, I can't. I'm a normal average teenager now not a princess. I guess it's my time to let out the words I really wanted to say when I am stuck as a princess.

"Say goodbye Astrid." I shivered when he whispers in my ear. God! Does he will really kill me? Hopefully not.

I sigh and slam my book, "Fine! When will it be?"

"Shhhh...." He puts his middle finger to cover my mouth from shouting when the librarian looks at us. The librarians eyes widen when she saw Harry's middle finger covering my mouth, then he smiles nervously and quickly change his middle finger into an index one.

"Sorry." I whispered and he glares at me.

He shook his head, "Okay, we will meet at the park where Ashley will be going tomorrow."

"Wait, are you a stalker? How'd you know she will be going on the park?" My right eyebrow lifts up when I said it.

"James and Blake said it to me when they are flirting with Ashley and her little company."

"Oh, okay. But where is the park?" I've ask. Man, I really didn't know about this place.

"Seriously?" He looks at me in a 'are you serious?' look and when I nodded he sighs and said, "Okay. I'll fetch you."

And with that, he walks away before turning on me again, "Ill fetch you tomorrow ten."
"Here, where this." Liz and Macey are so busy helping me dress up for our little fake date with Harry. They act like it's our real date. Liz was busy doing my hair and make-up while Macey was busy choosing my clothes.

Macey suddenly let's out a squeal. Liz and I look at her in a confuse look.

"Guys! Look at what I found. Astrid, you'll be wearing this." She raises a nice and cute red dress which is above the knee length. Liz suddenly squeals, joining Macey and give high five to each other.

"Guys, it's just a fake date. No need to amuse him." I rolled my eyes. Really,I don't like amusing Harry. Just take me God if that ever happens.

They rolled their eyes finding me correct. Macey gets another clothes and Liz gets back to my hair.

"Alright miss. No more protest, you'll wear this." She raises a white off shoulder top and black skinny jeans with a converse.

"Actually, I like it. Okay, I'll wear it."

And then she let's me wear it. After they're done beautifying me up, I look to myself in full length mirror. Gosh, I look nice. With a white off shoulder top and a pair of black skinny jeans with a converse and a light make-up and my hair arrange beautifully , I bet Harry would be drooling over me.

"You look beautiful." They both said. I smiled, "Thanks guys, I like it."

"Looks like our effort Astrid works on." Liz said smiling. Macey noodled in agreement.

"Yeah, but really guys, you don't need to put much effort on this, it's just a fake date to get rid of Ashley."

They are about to say something but the doorbell rings and I think Harry is already here. I wink at Liz and Macey and they give me a quick wave and a wink and I rushed down stairs.

I arrived at the front door seeing Harry wearing a white shirt covered by a leather jacket with a pair of blue jeans and a converse.

He smirks, "Whew, it looks like we have some similarities in dressing. You know white upper and a converse."

I rolled my eyes and go to his car. He opens the front seat door and smirks.

"Thanks for being  a gentleman today." He smirks when I said that but loses it when I said again," Oops. Sorry it's just fake."

"Shut the fuck up."

I laugh when he gets irritated. I keep on laughing when I hear he speed away and stopped a few meters from me. He let's out his head on the car window.

"That's what you get for laughing your ass out."

"Oh yeah, well then I won't go on our fake date  for leaving me." And with that, I turned around and started to walk back on the house.

I suddenly saw Harry's car beside me. He got out of the car and block my way.

"Alright. Sorry."

I smirk about that. He groaned and we go to his car and he drives.

Man, I like this favor of his.

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