Chapter 7: Detention With Harry

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Chapter 7: Detention With Harry

We followed Principal Brown and get inside his office. He sat down n his chair and waiting for us to take our seats.There were two seats. I think it's for us. I sit the one in the right. Harry sit on the left one. God dammit. We were sitting on the opposite side which means we're facing each other.

Why in the world does this happen? Yep, it's Harry's fault. It's really his fault!

"Ehemmmm..." Principal Brown clear his throat. "So tell me. Who started the food fight."

"He started it!" I shouted and point my index finger to him. I can't take it anymore. I'm already mad. I almost point him using my middle finger. Thank him, I'm a good person.

"Miss Curtis, please lower your voice." Principal Brown said. Yep, good manners. I almost forgot but then, I'm a normal teenager now and I'm gonna be wild for as long as I wanted.

I rolled my eyes. He's gotta be kidding me. I mean look at him, he just look at me and smirk as if nothing happen.

Harry is worse than Philip.

"So, let's have you first Curtis. What happen?" Principal Brown said. I sit properly and try to give a hundred percent patience and calmness.

"Well, I was taking my snacks when I turned around to get back to my table with my friends and then suddenly, he BUMPED MY TRAY." I emphasize the phrase and sit back and look at Harry. He clenched his jaws. Looks like he got in his nerves.

"Correction sir, SHE was the one who bumped me." He said. He even emphasize She. How dare he! He looks at me, giving me a teasing eye. That jerk, do you think you can get Principal Brown for a trick? You have to come to me first.

"Well, I can see both of your opinion. But I can't believe that the both of you easily make a food fight and no one is even trying to tell the truth." Principal Brown said.

What? Come on Harry, just tell the truth.

Silence is filling the whole room. I guess none of us will tell the truth which is I will be the one who will tell it.

"Sir, it's obviously Harry's fault. I mean look at him, he looks like a criminal. Criminals don't tell the truth. Am I right?" I said. I want to make a little joke about saying who's really the fault. I can't let my anger filled against me.

At least, I'm not the one, Harry looks at me giving a death glare. He's mad at what I said.

Ha-ha-ha. I'm happy on what I've done. But it ended to....

"Detention to you Curtis and Parker!"

My jaw drops and Harry's eyes widen. What? Is he kidding?

"Are you kidding? I mean obviously you're joking about what you said. Right?" I said nervously. Principal Brown looks at me seriously. I mean, he can't be serious, right?

"2 hours on the detention because of what you said." Brown said. Oh come on! Does he really mean it?

"But sir...." Harry protested. Right now he's protesting. Great!

"3 hours." Brown said.

"But sir..." I said, this time.

"4 hours. "

"Fine! 4 hours if that what makes you contented." Harry said, sitting back. Great four hours in the freaking detention with Harry! This gotta be my worst day ever.

"Alright. You're detention starts on dismissal." Brown said, standing.

Great! I'm gonna attend detention for the first time and my first day in real school! I'm suppose to enjoy it, not to suffer.

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