Chapter 22: Coincidence

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Cover photo edited by stupefier . Thanks a lot Liz!

Chapter 22: Coincidence

It's been days since Macey, Liz, Blake, and James had arrived from Brownville, a village just next to Sunnyville. They just announce that Macey and Blake got 2nd place while Liz and James got the 1st place. We were currently resting and discussing some details about what happened during those days in Macey's house.

"Guess what?Ooh...Brownville's High jocks are so hot. Do you know that some of the guests especially girls can't play and answer well the questions during the quiz bowl because of them?" Liz eventually squealed on her seat. All five of us laugh except for James who rolles his eyes.

Hmmm....looks like someone is jealous.

Silence followed and no one dares to break it when we all sense James jealousy. It's really silent like we can almost hear everybody's breathing.

Harry clears his throat to break the silence,"I'll go check the cookies. They'll probably be burn right now."

Harry immediately exits the silent living room. I understand, he wants to leave Liz and James alone but he doesn't know how to exit to an awkward situation.I mean, who the hell would say that their bake cookies would burn immediately if they just put it in the oven like in three minutes?

Anyways, Macey followed Harry right away and have the same excuse. Blake understands what Harry and Macey do and followed them to in the kitchen, leaving me,Liz,and James in the living room.

It's really getting awkward around here so I'm gonna make an excuse to the two of them. Hopefully not a lame excuse.

I clear my thoat, ready to say my excuse when Liz says, "Are you ready to say your excuse too?"

My mouth came open and hanging in the air. It's like she can read minds or something!

"No!" I've exclaimed and think of another excuse. An excuse that could make them believe.

"I..I've gotta go outside. check our dog." Fuck...what excuse is that? We don't even have a dog for Pete's sake!

"Really? Cause the last time I came here is that you don't have a dog and I barely see dog in your neighborhood." Liz said and in a boring tone like she already knew what's going on. I see James sudden reaction and I can feel that he's trying to hide his laugh for my lame excuse.

"Whatever." I stood up and walk through the kitchen, leaving Liz and James alone.

I'll bet they'll become a good couple. They have some similarities like how their brains work to let them act like stupid kids. I know that James and Liz were like childish but I never thought they really act like babies.

I go directly to the kitchen seeing Harry leaning against the table counter and Macey and Blake sitting on the chairs.

"So,what excuse did you use?"Harry ask. I look at him and didn't answer his question. They'll probably laugh if they hear my stupid excuse.

"Let me guess. You gave them a lame excuse." I glare at him and this time, they all laugh.

"Ha-ha so funny." I sarcastically said.

"What's your excuse by the way?"Blake ask.

"Well, I...tell them that....I'll go to check our dog." I bit my lower lip. Man, it's really a lame excuse.

And again, they burst into laughter.

I stayed silent for a few minutes until finally they realize I was upset just because of the lamest excuse in the world. Finally, they decided to go back to the living room where we apparently see Liz laughing while James is telling her some jokes.

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