Part 2

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"Your late Karlie." said Demi, one of the event organizer for the DKNY show. 

"I know, I know, I'm sorry....... I brought you something." she said smiling as she handed her a paper bag. Demi tried to hid her smile but eventually failed to do so.

"You really know your ways around. Lucky you, I love cookies." said Demi as she walked her towards the make up and changing room. As Karlie sat down in front of the mirror, someone hugged her from behind and pecked her cheeks with kisses. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Cara!" she squeal. She stood up and hugged her friend.

"I missed you so much. How long since it been?" said Cara with a heavy British accent.

"Three months." answered Karlie pertaining to the VS Fashion show. Then, she made a face like something just stung her. 

"Is it really that bad?" said Cara, noticing the smile fading out of her friends face.

"It was. You don't believe me do you?" she asked. 

"I do, but you know, maybe she was just tired and all. Maybe... you just caught her on the wrong time. She's nice Karlie, she's a good person." said Cara, walking away to get dress.

Karlie just smiled at her and went back to her make up station. As people starts to get busy on her hair and face, she taught about it. She's not angry at Taylor, she was hurt definitely. But, no, she doesnt want to see the singer ever again, not even in a million years.

The show ended in success. She was in the middle of fixing her things when Cara sat on the chair in front of her, who was now wearing a t-shirt and a jogger pants. Completed with a cap and a sneakers. Her attention on her iphone. Her thick eyebrows almost forming a line, mouthing words silently as her eyes scans the screen.

Karlie's lips pursed, curious on what her friend is up to. "I'm thinking you're reading an article of cosmo or looking at Kendal's post on Instagram."

Cara stops from what she was doing and stared at her for quite a while, then suddenly she starts grinning that weirded Karlie out.

But rather than ask, the tall girl ignored her and proceeds on packing.

 "Hey Karls, can you do me a favor?" said Cara. Karlie zips up her luggage.

"Depends on what is it?" she said, looking at Cara.

"I have this friend, and he wants to learn how to bake. But the thing is, he doesn't want to go to any pastry school, or be taught by some random people who will gush and favors him from who he is." said Cara, with a smug look on her face. And it made her feel like her friend was just making fun of her baking.

"Is it Brad Pitt, or Leo." she asked, riding on her friends silliness.

"I'm serious. That's the thing, he's famous, and I recommended you because I know that he's not your type. You're not going to go fan girl over him, definitely sure about it." said Cara, and this time, she was not smiling.

"Huh, you really are serious.Though, baking is not a thing to be ashamed off, even if you are a Brad or a Leo." Karlie said.

"Its not that, I told you about his reason. So... can you just do it for me pleaseeeee..." said Cara, making a face that made Karlie laugh. 

"Alright, alright. Do I have a choice?" said Karlie shaking her head. 

"Thank you! I owe you one." said Cara jumping from her chair then enveloped Karlie in a bear hugged. 

"So when will it be?" she asked as she pulled away.

"Well if you're free tomorrow, then that will be great. And no worries, I'll be there. I'll pick you up from your place and we'll just walk over to his house." said Cara as they got out to the street. 

"Yes, tomorrow is fine. But why do I feel like you already planned this. And we'll just walk? Meaning he lives nearby my house? A famous actor lives a couple of blocks away from me?" she looked at Cara and raises her eyebrow at her. Which the other answered back by mirroring her expression that cracked Karlie up. Then a yellow cab was blows its horn  at them.

"Oops! That's my ride. See you tomorrow Karls." said Cara and gave her a friendly kiss on the lips before she got on the cab and waved her goodbye. She shake her head and smile at her friend antics. But she can't deny it, she's feeling a little bit of giddy and curious. Who is he?

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