1 ~ Calum

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"Again? Calum how many times do we have to go over this? You can't be skipping anymore school." My father's eyes hardened with anger.

Sighing,  I lean back into my chair. "Yeah, yeah." I prop my feet up onto the dining from table we were currently sittings at.

My mum shoves my feet off the table, clearly upset with me. "Calum, listen to us!" She yells. "Your grades are failing, yo-"

"So? Who gives a shit?" I roll my eyes, annoyed of hearing the same old thing.

"Don't talk to your mother that way!" My dad stands up, slamming his hand onto the table. "I'm over all this..." He mumbles under his breath.

"Why can't you be like Thomas? Huh?" My dad leans over the table, spit spraying my face.

Jaw clenched, I glance at my brother. There he was, hunched over a textbook, like always. He pushes his glasses up, looking over to us hearing his name.

He gives me a small smirk before slipping back into his little world of homework.

I hate when they compare me to him. It makes my blood boil, he's the perfect child and I'm the burn out.

"He always gets good grades, he never gets in trouble, he doesn't have any tattoos or-"

"Or piercings, I know I know." I huff, rolling my eyes, More annoyed then mad. It's always the same old thing. Blah, blah, blah.

I don't see why they think being a pathetic nerd is so great. I'd rather not put so much into school, when half the stuff we learn we don't even use. Ever.

"You obviously don't because you never stop! What will it take to get you to stop waisting your life away Calum?" My mom sighs heavily.

I stand up, rolling my eyes once more. " Why would I want to be like him? He's just a loser" I raise and eyebrow, gesturing to Thomas.

"At least I won't be stuck working at McDonald's," He closed his text book, dropping it into his book bag.

" and I won't die a virgin." I smirk. He opens his mouth before immediately closing it again. I laugh seeing his cheeks tint a dark red, and he pushed his glasses up once more.

"Calum! That's enough." My dad shouts, making me jump slightly.

"But he-"


I groan and flick off Thomas before trudging up the stairs and into my room.

I flop onto my un-made bed with a sigh. Why are my parents so judge mental? Why can't they see I'm just living my life?

My parents pestering is really starting to get on my nerves lately. They just don't understand that I don't care about school, or anything really.

Well, I like a few things, but school was definitely not one of them

I rise from my bed and over to my window. With a small grunt, I slide open the wooden frame and slip out, pulling myself onto the roof.

Placing a cigarette between my lips, I cuff my hand around the end, shielding the flame from the chill that fluttered through the air.

The holidays are nearing and, to be completely honest, I'm not the slightest bit excited for them.

It's just a big hassle to me. Everyone's crowded into on house, and it's just another excuse to brag about Thomas to my relatives.

Double Or Nothing // C.T.H Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя