6 ~ Thomas

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"Thomas, do you want some breakfast?" My mom calls from the kitchen.

"No, I'm going to be late!" I grab my bag before stumbling out the door.

Besides, in not hungry anyways. It worries me, because I only ate half my dinner, if even that last night once I went back home.

My head begins to spin, and I have to slow down to keep from falling. I need to eat something after debate club, this isn't healthy.

I huff out of breath when I finally make it to the school building. I check my watch; 2 minutes to spare.

I throw my book bag on the floor and try to catch my breath.

" Did you just run around the world to get here? You're so out of breath. " My friend Niall pats my back, laughing.

I look away, blushing. I already know I'm not good at athletics, thanks for pointing that out Niall.

"Niall, you can't even run up the Bleachers without passing out." Liam laughs at the blond boy.

I crack a small smile, but my mind was still on the comment he had made. Maybe I should try working out again?

Before I could think about it any longer, the teachers loud voice rang through the room.

"Well, we were supposed to have a new person join the club, but it's time to start and they're not here." Mrs. Strickland sighs.

Just then the door burst open and a familiar blur of black and red hair rushes past me and to the middle of the room.

"Ahh, here she is." Mrs Strickland places a hand on her shoulder. "Go ahead, introduce yourself"

Her brown eyes scan the room, a wide smile spreading across her face once her eyes land on me.

"Hey everyone, my names Valerie." She states, confidence dripping from her words, reminding me of last night.

The small club mumbles a few hellos before going back to what ever they were doing, but I can't help but stare as she talks to Mrs. Strickland quietly at the front of the calls room.

I watch as she carelessly talks to the teacher, her hand casually on her hip. Her nose piercing catches the light a few times, and I frown.

How could she look like Calum and his friends but act nothing like them? Cal's friends, especially Luke, they infuriate me.

"Looks like someone's got a crush." Niall shoves my shoulder, knocking me off balance.

"I don't fancy anyone." I roll my eyes, leaning against a desk.

"The way you stare at her, admiringly says other wise." Liam smirks, raising his eyebrows rapidly at me.

It was true, I do admire her.

But not in the way they think. I admire how out going and carefree she is, confused on how she acts. I think nothing more than a friend of her.

"Guys, I actually don't like her, she's just really... Outgoing. It's interesting." I shrug, pushing my glasses up.

"You've met before?"

Double Or Nothing // C.T.H Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя