Evetything Has Changed - Chapter Five

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"Miss, are you alright?" the nurse spoke to me, shaking my shouldres to get me conscious.

"What happened?" my voice shaking when I woke up in the ambulence seat, seeing Ed was still lying there.

"You passed out after we said we are loosing him." the other nurse informed me.

"I-is he okay?"

"He will be. He has some inside bleeding but the doctors will stop it in the hospital. We will arrive there in....." she stopped talking as the car stopped moving and pulled over. "Now." she smiled at me sadly.

"How bad is that?"

"We don't know, miss." she stuttered as she tried pulling Ed with the other doctors out of the car. "But are you alright, have you been involved in the crash?"

"No. Not at all, I'm just not good with blood. I'll be alright."

"Okay then." was the last thing she told me before she disappeared with the doctors that told me to stay outside in the hall.

I took some coffee from the hospital bar and did as they said.


I woke in an empty room with white walls and beeping machines. All alone. What happened? I couldn't move my hand, I couldn't move at all. Was I dead? Is this how death feels like? Seeing everything so bright white that it hurts your eyes and hearing machines beeping, trying to get you conscious? Is this the stadium everyone goes through before they, you know.. stop existing? I didn't want to disappear from the life, yet. With no goodbyes. Without having anyone that would take care of my son. Without trying to kiss Taylor. I just couldn't.

 "Mr. Sheeran?" I heard some manly voice on the other side of my bed. I tried turning my head over but it hurt. I managed to do it afterall. "Hello. I'm Mr. Sommerson, your doctor. You got involved in a car crash. It broke 6 of your ribs, right leg and left hand. Also you had some inside bleeding but we sorted it out in the surgery."

 "What time is it?" ridiculous answer, I know. But what was I supposed to tell them?

 "6 in the afternoon." the doctor said, smiling at me.

 "Oh my god, my son. Where is he..."

 "Your girlfriend will take care of him." my girlfriend? I didn't have a girlfriend ever since Nina passed away. I was all alone.

 "What d-.. What do you mean?" I asked, my voice cracking as it was hard for me to even speak.

 "You don't remember your girlfriend, Taylor? We had to give her pills to calm down, either way she wouldn't stop crying as you were in the coma. She left you a note, if you want to read it." I nodded and the doctor left.

 Just hearing her name brought me warm feelings in my body and sent shivers down my spine. That girl was different. And she told the doctors that she is my girlfriend, if that means anything, then I'm one of her interests at least. That would be awesome though, I like her. A lot. She's a down to earth woman and has the same sense of humor like me. Clearly, she's all I ever wanted.

 The doctor came in again and handed me the note as I started reading it.

 Dear Ed,

 I hope you're alright. I really do. I can't stop thinking about you for a really long time. Like the two days we know each other. *giggles*. I don't really know when you will get to read this note and if you even will. They said there is a chance you'd wake up and not remember anything or anyone in your life and I wouldn't want to be the one taking this risk. It would be way too much for me. It takes me days, even monts to fall for someone and get the trust in someone but when I fall, I fall hard. And surprisingly, you're the fastest falling in love I've ever had. Please don't get this wrong though, that I called myself your girlfriend in front of the doctors. I don't even know if those feelings are double sided or I'm just left alone in that, like always. I just had a feeling that if I say we are just friends, they won't let me in the ambulance car, they won't let me go to the hospital just to see how you're doing or keep me informed about the position you are at. Also, don't worry about Christopher, I'll take him to my house. I think Alison will be really glad about that and they will have fun. In separate rooms, of course. Haha. And Ed. I'm really, really sorry if you have a girlfriend, a real one not just a claiming liar like me, and I caused you some problems. I will take it all on my shirt and get you out of it, I promise.

 Be safe and hope to see you soon.

 Love, Taylor.

 I smiled at the letter and surprisingly, I managed to somehow fold it into a little square and put it in the night table next to my bed. I haven't even noticed the doctor left already. I wanted to text Taylor or call her to hear the beautiful angelic voice but I had no chance to even find my phone in here. I barelly could move so, yeah.

 The hospital chambermaid came in my room, giving me food. I loved food, to be honest. It was the best thing ever. It kept me calm and everything. They say that ruminants eat for 20 hours of day and then they sleep and yeah, let's just say I have a feeling I was supposed to be born as one. If I should chose life over food, I'd definitely choose food. No matter what, it would always be food. And when someone asks me what my favorite food is, well there's really no............. YUCK. I split out the hospital food. I'm sorry, I really love food but this was just horrible. It wasn't even human that they put there something like this. I literally choked on it, thinking I was going to die. I thought that they were here to help people and not to kill them. Ew. Just get me out of here already.

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