Everything Has Changed - Chapter Nineteen

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"Whoa. This is what it feels like to be in big apple?" I asked Jake as I stepped out of the plane. This was insane. As much as I hate coming here, I must admit, it's one of the nicest places ever so far. Though if I take the place in sight, I'll have to keep really close to Jake. J.F.Kennedy's airport is huge! And by huge, I mean that huge that I've managed to get lost already.

"Jake?!" I screamed. Wow I'm so lame. I can't even get to the exit by myself. I'm going to be 26, come on.

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, tugging me away. "Let go!" I yelled.

"Hey I needed to get you outta' there," the man said as he turned around. Oh that's Jake. Don't blame me I didn't see the person's face.

We got to our luggages as Jake helped me carrying few of them immediately. Why so gentleman, dude? We both know it's an act and you don't love me.

When we were in the taxi, I leaned across the window and closed my eyes, beginning to fall asleep.

"Taylor you shouldn't be sleeping in a taxi," he said, waking me up.

"Why?" I asked confusedly. It's not like someone is gonna jump on the damned car, open the door and rape me. Or is it? This is New York, anything can happen.

"I live just 5 blocks away, you wouldn't sleep longer than 15 minutes." he said and I had to blink my eyes for few minutes.

"Are you telling me that just 5 blocks is 15 minutes away?" I asked, shaking my head. "That's the same time period as when I go on foot."

Leaving out a chuckle, he looked at me amusedly. What's so funny about that. Seriously?! "This is not Nashville, my dear."

"I keep forgetting,'' I shrugged. "So tell me, what do you do for living?"

"Well after I left you, I finished school in Memphis and left for New York when I was around 20 or so. I started studying some acts and stuff similar to theatres so yeah, I work in a theatre as an actor but you, I haven't seen you on a TV. You didn't go for your dream of becoming a musician did you?"

"Congratulations!" I clapped for him and actually smiled a sincere smile. He deserved it, I remember how hard he worked for that one. And the thing about me being musician? I ignored it.

"What's your excuse on not going after your dream?"

"The fear of not being good enough, perhaps. Once you left me, I stopped playing the guitar and piano as well. Then I started when Alison was about 2 years old I think. But it wasn't the same anymore. I never played guitar in front of her because I'd always go back to past and I didn't want her to see me crying. But playing the piano was just different."

"Different?" he asked, confusion plastered all over his face.

"Yeah. You were the one who bought me my first guitar when we were just 11 years old and then I played for you, wrote songs for you. Everything about the word guitar reminded me about you but I taught myself on the piano and got it from Austin so that wasn't that big of an deal for me anymore." I explained, playing with the hem of my dress.

He opened his mouth to speak but the taxi driver beat him to it as he pulled at the pavement and asked for $20. I got out and took my things from the trunk.

"This is it? This is where you live?" I asked, eyeing a huge building that was hovering another 150 metres above our heads.

"The highest floor you ever find here." he said proudly, opening the door for me that led straight to the lobby.

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