Everything Has Changed - Chapter Nine

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It turned out to be about eight in the afternoon when Taylor and the kids left. I really felt sorry for Alison that she had to meet her real father. What was his name again? Oh right, Jake. And I believe it wasn't one of the nicest meetings for Taylor either. I just wish I was already out of the hospital and could help Taylor through this all, to deal with everything and to make her mine. I loved her ever since I first saw her. I just felt the sparks flying everywhere whenever she smiled and when I saw her, when I looked her in her amazing blue eyes, it felt like the only thing that was left on the world was us. Is it that bad that I want to build a new life with some woman I don't even know properly? What can I tell you? Yes, I'm in love with Taylor and I want her. Is that so bad?




  Two weeks passed by and Ed was finally allowed to come home after all this time. We still weren't together and my mind always wondered why. Was I just some toy to him? Someone to make him feel better, like he is not alone? Because if I was, then this needs to end. I didn't want to be just some toy to Ed, we are not teenagers anymore, he can come around and ask me out if he wants to but if he doesn't then okay, fine, just tell it to me because it hurts. To be honest, I just don't know what to do in moments like this. The only guy I've ever dated made me pregnant and that's it. I don't really have much experiencies in love, you know. 

 "You ready to go?" I asked, smiling at Ed as he packed his stuff.

 He really was quite okay now. His ribs were alright again and he just got a gypsum on his right arm, which anyway will be taken away in 10 days.

 Ed nodded and threw the bag over his shoulder. "Let's go." he said with a huge smile on his face that only made his blue eyes spark. Before we were allowed to leave the hospital room, Ed had to sign some papers about his recovery and god knows what else, I never layed in hospital so... Anyway, he signed them and thanked the doctors for taking the care of him and then we left.

 Shivers went down my spine all over my body as his fingers tangled with mine while we were taking a short walk around the park before heading home. I kind of hoped that he would ask me out. I know that I overuse this but really, I'm a little bit tired of waiting, wondering when he's coming around and even though it's against my will, I'm starting to admit that my fate in him is slowly fading. But if he says the 3 words, consisting of 8 letters and thousands of meanings but just one feeling, I'm all his.

 "Oh no," Ed hit his forehead, "I completely forgot, we had our date on the 13th and we missed it."

 "Don't worry, you will make it up to me." I laughed.

 "Be sure about that." he chuckled and tackled me. "What did you do anyway? You didn't visit me."

 "Oh I didn't tell you? I had this report at my work. You know, I work at the bakery that you got hit in front of while making your way to there."

 "You are a baker? Wow, that's amazing! How was it?"

 "It was great! They wanted my special recipes I use."


 I had to wake up really soon so I could drive Alison with Christopher over to Mrs. Peterson because they had to go to school and someone needed to take them over to the bus stop. Though, I had to be abnormally soon at work to settle the things up. They were making some ads about our bakery and taking pictures of all our organizations and everything. They filmed me and Luke in the kitchen how we were making new cakes, cookies and Douglas in the little chocolate factory. It was fun, seeing how the bakery was getting full by people second by second and how we ran around to serve it all to them. You know, being a baker and waitress is not one of the easiest things you can do but there is usually like 6 of us so it's not a problem. What no one of us knew was that their report wasn't the only thing happening that day, we also had a reviewer in there and the funny thing is that you could absolutely tell who he was. Whenever you looked at the people in the bakery, you could see people that were casually closed in country clothes or western ones, there were ones that just used the clothings one by one but the critic, he wore a tuxedo and trust me, not once happened to have a person in tuxedo in our bakery, though. I mean, yeah they came in but it was just a quick order and then they left again.

 I was making my way to table 3 when one of the reporters stopped me. "Miss Swift, may we ask you questions?"

 I hesitantly looked around the full room to find Leighton and I did, thankfully. She caught my eye and came rushing to us. "What's wrong?" she asked.

 "We just want to ask questions, shall we?" the same reporter said again.

 "Sure." Leighton smiled and took the order I had in my hands. "What table is it?"

 "Three." I pointed over to the corner where a young couple sat, making out and waiting for their strawberry heart shaped cake.

 I walked them over to Leighton's office and they sat down, begginning to ask questions. It was fine, they all were just about the recipes and actually, they said that there are 4 branch offices of our bakery opening in the US but I declained working in any of them. Chicago, New York, Dallas and Atlanta? They are were great cities but I just didn't want to go there and leave everything, I knew Ed wouldn't agree on going with me, afterall we know each other just something about two weeks and not even that. I didn't want to push him in something he didn't want. And I wasn't sure if I wanted it even, so yeah I said no.

 "Every single person we asked said that their favorites are your Tiramisu, Strawberry Cheesecake, Coconut Slice and Applepies, because no matter what bakery they went in, it never fit their taste like yours do. What are your secret ingrediencies?" a woman asked. I suppose she wanted to know that one too, but no one ever knows that, except for few people.

 "That's a family secret that I can't tell. The only people I reveal it to are Luke, Leighton, Brandon, those are my co workers that work in the kitchen with me and then my bestfriend Abigail and my lovely daughter Alison. No one else. I'm sorry." I smiled politely.


  "That was pretty much it." I smiled at Ed.

 "But that's awesome! Will you tell me the family secret too?"

 "Mhm.... Not." I smirked.

 "Not even if I say I love you?" I narrowed my eyes at Ed, pressing my body to his warm one and pecking him on his lips. These are the words I wanted to hear.

 "My love for you." I stuttered when I pulled away.

 "What?" he asked confused.

 "My love for you is the key to my delicious cup cakes." I blushed looking him in his eyes.

 Ed smiled at me and connected our lips again.

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