Everything Has Changed - Chapter Fourteen

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Everthing has been going so great with Ed lately, it's been about a month we are officialy together now and I couldn't be happier. Though it's getting a little harder for Alison since she is starting to see things as if we were a family and she is realizing that Christopher might or may not be her brother in the future but she is still trying not to think about it, after all, there is nothing wrong with that and I bet they will grow apart from this and find their own lovers. Grow old with the love of their lifes, I doubt they will stay together, maybe as friends but c'mon who starts seeing someone at the age of 7 until they are dead? Exactly.

 However, today is not a day to speak about my thoughts on this. It's November 13th today, and that means that.. ALISON'S BIRTHDAYS ARE HERE!!!! I can't wait until she sees the gift I have for her. Boat trip with a country band and then a day in Luna Park in Memphis. Basically, she will spend her whole day in Memphis. Alison always wanted to go to he Memphis Luna Park and loves Boats. Though all she probably knows is that we are in our car, riding to the Capital.

 "Hey Tay," my perfect boyfriend spoke as we came right to Memphis, "can you pull over in here?"

 "Sure." I smiled and did as he asked me to.

 He got out of the vehicle and opened the truck, pulling out a little box wrapped in pink gift paper.

 "Where is our birthday girl? The first part of her present is here." the noticable british accent appeared from the back. Alison squealed right in the moment and ran out of the car.

 Well, we all did. I was confused as to what else Ed could get her that I didn't know about.

 "This one is from me and Christopher okay?" she nodded. "Happy Birthday, beautiful." he said as he kissed her forehead.

 "Thank you." Alison smiled, taking the little box and unwrapping it. My eyes widened, same as Alison's when she took out a camera.

 "WHAT?" she squealed.

 Okay so my boyfriend buys my daughter a Sony Alpha NEX camera? Seriously? Wow this is unbelievable. And she is just 8. I glared at him like he was crazy and to my opinion, he really was. He should've buy her something cheaper or at least tell me about it and I'd give him a half but not buy it.

 "You didn't have to do that! It's for $650 it's just too much, Ed."

 "She deserves it to capture everything in her life." he smiled at Alison. "c'mon, let's turn this up so you can film your way through the whole Memphis, okay?"

 She nodded handing him the camera. I watched them as he's been trying to show her how to work with it, finally she somehow got it, holding it in her hand and jumping up and down.

 "It's recording! It's recording!" she laughed and then she pointed on Christopher with that one and turned it back to herself. "You saw him? He's my happiness. I love him!" Uncotrolable giggles leaving her mouth as she ran back in the car, shouting that she can't film the whole Memphis if the car ain't moving.

 All we did was standing there and laughing at how cute and happy she was. "Thank you." I pecked Ed on cheek and got in car, starting the engine up. Just as I was pulling out, I heard a windown rolling down. Alison. And then her sweet voice appeared.

 "Okay so I just got this fudging amazing camera from my daddy and this is the first video that I-"

 "Did you just call me your daddy?" Ed's eyes widened in surprise. I wasn't surprised anymore, though. She tagged him like that a week ago already.

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