Everything Has Changed - Chapter Eleven

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I sat at the edge of my swimming pool in my back yard, swinging me feet in the cold water basically just having some relax time before everyone else is coming. Ed doesn't even want to tell me what this all is about. He just said he wants to meet the closest people to my heart and so I invited my Mom, Dad, Abigail, Austin, Leighton, Scott, Caitlin, Emma, Claire and Drew. I layed down on the grass as my hands became a little tired how I had them settled under my weight all the time. It seemed like an hour off for me, haha. Ed has taken Christopher and Alison to the Luna Park, so yeah, I was left alone here for an hour.

 Multiple thoughts going through my mind as I stared at the blue sky, not a lot clouds to be seen but one caught my eye. It was in a sharp of a... person? A little person, actually. Lonely one. I think that this is how I felt when Jake left me. Lonely. I think that when something happens, you think about all the possibilities as to what might happen next or what would happen if you'd make another choice back then. Though, we'd never find out unless it would really happen. And in that case, we are scared to even think about that but somehow we can't stop, and so it did happen to me. Right now. What if Jake actually used protection back then? Or what if I'd let the doctors to take the baby away? Would I be with Jake right now? Would I actually be happy? Not saying that I am not happy at all, I am. I guess, right now, I am the happiest person I could be. But I mean, would I live with the rich family that Jake has? In New York? Would I even be a baker or he would push me towards singing like he did back then? Would we be married and have kids? I guess I'll never find out. And I matter or factly know that being where I am now, with those I love and carry about is what actually makes me happy. I couldn't stand the feeling leaving my Mom, Dad, Abigail and my brother Austin in here and actually move away to New York. It's already hard for me that my brother is away for college and my bestfriend in Kansas. This would be just another one hundred miles away from each of them. No, I might be strong to take distances, but not that strong. But most of all, the thing I could not live without that I surely wouldn't have there is Alison.

 "Hi!" speaking of my lovely daughter, I heard her voice at the door fram and just a minute later she ran after me.

 "Hey baby," I kissed her cheek. "how was Luna Park?"

 "It was great. Ed is really fun to be around." she giggled.

 I took a glance at him, him smiling kindly at me. "Is he?" I asked, smirking. "Mhm." Alison mumbled and pressed her little forehead to mine.

 "Okay, what if you all three went to the bathroom to wash your hands and then help me in the kitchen. Will you?" I pinched her nose, fixing her dress.

 Alison grinned at me and ran away, taking hold of Christopher's hand as she passed through him. Ed following. I sighed. How amazing those people are, you have no idea.

 Standing in the kitchen, waiting for the kids and Ed to come, I started to think what could I bake or make for the people coming in. They all liked their kinda' things, so I thought about mixing it all up. But how? Maybe my little inspiration could help? Just as I thought of him, everyone rushed in the kitchen.

 "I was first!" Christopher cheered.

 "No, you were not! I was." Alison pipped in.




 And it went on like this for another five minutes, me watching them both amusingly and all in confusion and misunderstanding. I was just about to cut in before Ed did it.

 "Kids? Kids. Kids. Kids. Kids." Obviously not working, eh? I thought to myself. If only he knew that stopping Alison from something is like trying to stop Werewolf to eat you. Yeah, I watch werewolfs. Yeah, I am weird. Kinda. A lot. Rawr you're dead. Okay, Taylor, you know what? Stop it. "KIDS!" Ed shouted.

 I wasn't expecting them to shut up at all or anything but it actually got me out of my expectations when the kitchen fell in silent and they both looked at him.

 "Let's not fight about it, okay? It's obvious I was the first one." seriously, Ed? Seriously?

 "No me!" Oh there we go again.

 "Okay stop!" I screamed as they all went silent. "Can somebody tell me what's going on?"

 "Ed said that the first one to run in kitchen will get a kiss from you." Christopher pouted.

 Aw is that so? I thought to myself and looked at Ed who's smile broke into a sad face with puppy eyes. He looked so cute to be honest, how could I tell him no? And I didn't want to hurt those little kids either. I went to them and lowered my heigh to be the same with Alison and Christopher. I kissed both of them and then I got back to my feet, to give Ed a peck on his lips. "You all are my winners." I smiled.

 "Okay, let's get baking." I grabbed Alison's hand as Christopher clinged on my second one. I smiled at him and grabbed his too.

 We baked all kind of stuff you can bake, I think that by what I see now on the table is like.. even more than in the bakery. We had about ten differents cakes which was amazing, we had different kinds of baked rolls, pizza rolls, little hotdogs. You could basically find everything here, I swear.

  Just when I got to clean my kitchen, people started coming in as I been hugging them to invite them in.  Why they all needed to be here, I had no idea.

 "Mom!" I exclaimed as I saw the amazing small blonde figure standing on my porch, me hugging her. I haven't seen her in such a long time. "Dad!" I literally screemed when I saw my dad coming out of my parking lot, locking his car. I hugged him tightly. Oh how he is the only one that understands me. It's amazing.

 "Where's Austin?" I asked, seeing my brother was nowhere to be seen.

 "He will come in an hour, he had to go somewhere, I don't know where exactly."

 You know, I don't really see my family that often since when we moved here we lived in Memphis and I moved to Nashville to live on my own with my lovely daughter. And yeah, my family stayed back there in the capital.

 We had our chit chats with everyone, fun even and somehow the time flew by quickly. But Ed still didn't say the "important news" he wanted to. Why Ed, why? He wants to wait till my brother gets here. Ugh, he's making me excited and I seriously can't wait. But though, I hope he's not going to propose to me.

 "Where's my little sister?" I heard my brother's familiar voice in the hallway. I got up from the couch and litteraly ran out of the room screaming Austin's name.

 "Oh hey." he stumbled under my hug but kept up to stand still.

 "Hey mate, you must be Ed." my brother said when we got back iinto the living room.

 "Yeah, you are Austin right?" Okay could this be any more awkward?

 "You hurt her and you are dead, got it?"

 "Okay Austin, what the hell? You are younger than me and I can take care of myself." I said, shaking head at him.

 He just nodded and left to have some chat with Abigail and Claire. I love him so much but he can be just so annoying, ugh.

 "Okay guys, you all are here for a reason and I wanted you to come. Because I wanted to do something infront of you all." why did I have a feeling that he was going to seriously get to one knee and ask me to marry him?  "Taylor Alison Swift," he took a hold of my head and looked in my eyes deeply. "would you give me the honor and be my girlfriend?"

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