Everything Has Changed - Chapter Seventeen

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 I watched as Jake was taking all over my brother Austin and didn't know how to stop it. He is going to kill him. It was the only thing I could think about at the mome. I didn't know what to do and so I did the worse thing I could. I walked over to my mom and handed her Alison so she couldn't watch it and walked over to where the imature thirty-four years old person was trying to beat up my twenty-three years old brother.

 "Jake stop it!" I cried but he wouldn't listen to me and kept on hitting Austin.

 "Jake!" I tried it again, this time grabbing on his shoulder but he shoved me off harshly. "I'll do whatever you want me to do but just please. Stop hitting him! If you really love me how you say, you won't touch him again." I yelled quickly and his fist stoped just an inch away from Austin's jaw-line.

 Jake got up and everyone came rushing to help Austin stand up. I ran over to him and started wiping the tears of blood away from his face with a napkin.

 "This is not gonna work, I'll take you to the bathroom, come on." I said, taking him to where the toilets were so I could wash his face.

 When we got back, everyone was in a really tensed silence. Ed was glaring at Jake deathfully and so was my dad but they both knew they didn't have a chance; Ed wasn't too strong to take him down and my dad was a little bit too old to get in a fight. I wrapped an arm around Austin's waist and started guiding him to the exist.

 "Wait, not that fast." Jake called after us as we all turned around.

 "What else?" someone asked, I didn't even care of who said that as I knew exactly what Jake wanted. I promised I'd do anything just so he would stop hitting Austin and I knew he wanted me to probably go with him or me giving him Alison or.. us going both.

 "Taylor said she'll do whatever I want, that's why I stopped hitting up on Austin." Didn't I say so already, huh? "And I want her to come with me and be my girlfriend again."

 "You can't do that!" Oh crap, my mom is going to throw tantrums. "She's my daughter not some cheap slut! I already see your future guys, you'll take her back to New York with you, try to make her fall in love again, though you know this is a try with impossible results and when she tells you she has a kid, you'll slap her and leave her freaking alone! I'm not letting you take my daughter away and do this to her again." 

 "Shut up, Andrea! Promises are promises. And as I remember, your daughter isn't the one who breaks promises." 

 "But you are." my brother said. 

 "Do you want to freaking punch you in the face again so you'd die?"

 "Guys, shut the fuck up!" I yelled and everybody's attention went over to me. "I'll go with him. But Jake you should know that I don't love you anymore and I never will again." 

 "No, mom." Alison started crying. I bend down to her and hugged her tightly, tears streaming down my cheeks. 

 "I love you, Ali." I said. "It's just you and me, forever and always. Don't forget ." I wipped her tears away and gave her a kiss. 

 "Taylor.. you can't.." I heard Ed whisper and when I saw his sparkly blue eyes glitter and fill with tears, my heart stopped and I started crying even more than before. "You can't leave me.. please, don't do that."

 I wrapped arms around this strong man so tightly and cried in his chest. We both cried the souls to each other. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I believed Ed was the true one for me, that he's the one who's really going to love me right and the way I always wanted someone the opposite gender to love me. We weren't together much longer than 2 months but I already knew I wanted to spend my life with him. I knew it.

 Ed lifted my chin up and looked in my eyes. "Please don't fall in love with him."

 "I won't." I shooked my head sadly.

 "And remember that I'm here waiting for you. With Alison. I'll take care of her. I promise you to treat her like my own." he said, holding my head in his hands.

 I nodded slowly. "I love you, Ed." I said and kissed him passionately.

 I gave everyone my good bye and left with Jake back to the hotel.


I'm sorry for slow updates so much really guys.  Also don't kill me for not much Sweeran moments but there won't be too much of them from now as for Taylor is leaving to NYC with Jake. Woohoo. Sorry. It will be just 3 or 4 chapter before another Sweeran moment, I PROMISE.


 PS; I'm not Justin Bieber you can count on me when I say "soon"

 (maybe tomorrow, depends on school) :)



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