Everything Has Changed - Chapter Twenty-Four

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Everything Has Changed

Chapter Twenty-Four

*Taylor's POV*

This is it, I told myself. I have to do it. So what if Ed will hate me, for all I know, my family will never turn their back on me, no matter what happens and I knew that this time it is going to work. It will be the great happy ending and my family will welcome me with open arms. At least I hope so. It's all I want at the moment. No, the thing that I want the most is Alison to forgive me and accept me as her mother, although I have left her alone such a long time ago. I am 31 now and I have to take my responsibilities. I have been happy for too long. I need to know how they're doing.

A door bell rang when I was packing my things in my lovely New York apartment. I hurried towards it, knowing it was Karlie, my best friend. She hugged me tight when I opened the door.

"Are you ready, babe?" she asked with a smile, a caring one. She knew everything all along and didn't judge me a bit. I nodded and handed her two travel cages with my cats. Meredith and Olivia. I named them after two of my favorite characters. Dr. Meredith Grey and Detective Olivia Benson. Call me crazy but I don't care. Grabbing my luggage, we headed down to the car that took us to the airport.

Yeah I was a little nervous but who wouldn't be. Getting to see the person you love the whole time, your family and mostly your daughter after you've left them almost 8 years ago. It wasn't a nice thing to do. And I don't want to say that I didn't have a choice because I did. Yeah, it was either me or Alison that's true. But I have had so many opportunities to leave New York and didn't do that. To take my tour to Nashville and didn't do that. But that had to change.

Karlie was trying her best to keep my mind off of the things going to happen and in some parts she's succeded and I couldn't love her more than I already did. She always stood by me, helped me through everything and just... no one has ever been through such hard times in my life except for Karlie and... my mother. I didn't even notice I was crying until I heard Karlie's sad sigh and felt her soft fingers brushing off my tears. "It will be okay, you'll see." I nodded and hugged her tightly.

When we got out of the plane and the airport, a lot of screaming people came to us, asking for a picture or autograph, I heard people screaming questions whether I am visiting my family here or who is Ed Sheeran, if he lives here or not and I almost lost it again, I gave in for pictures and signs but then Karlie had to drag me out quickly. She was like my personal bodyguard and best friend at the same time. Yes, we had security that kept us safe but that was it. I almost forgot how Nashville looked like but I still knew the ways to get to our home. To my family.

We stood infront of the front door of my parent's house for about 20 minutes until I caught my breath and was able to make my mind that it's going to be okay. I wanted the bodyguards to cover me from the view of my parents as I hid behind them. They rang on the bell and it didn't take much time until my mother opened the door.

"Oh hello," her surprised and angelic voice has appeared and Karlie squeezed my hand. "How can I help you?"

"Excuse me, are you Andrea Swift?" my bodyguard asked.

"Yes and you are?"

"It doesn't really matter right now, you have a daughter. Taylor, right?"

"How do you know about my daughter?"

"How much do you want to see her again?" he totally ignored her question which seemed kind of rude I think.

"So much." her voice broke and I started crying in silence. "I've been watching her on internet and in television for ages but I haven't heard from her for years, no one of us have. I hardly doubt that she wants to see us again." she was now fully crying and sobbing. I couldn't take that torture anymore.

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