Everything Has Changed - Chapter Six

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 I sat in Ed's room for about five hours already and he still wasn't conscious. My mind was getting crazy from all the beeping machines and nurse coming in every fifteen minutes to ask me if I needed something or if I was alright. She comes next time and I will kick her out the window with any problem. 

 I heard the knock on the door and immediately knew it wasn't the nurse. She stopped knocking already, what was another reason to give me a heart attack. I flew up from the seat and let go of Ed's hand, in case it would be his girlfriend. I didn't know whether to be pleased or horrified when I spotted a doctor in the door way, making his way to me. 

 "Miss, Swift, are you alright? The nurse has been worrying about you the whole time you are here." he spoke to me, his eyes trying to desperately meet mine. 

 "I'm alright, sir." I wiped the dears away from my face and nodded. "Will he be okay?" 

 "Your boyfriend has really had some serious injuries and he also was hit in the head so there's a chance he will wake up and not remember anything or.. anyone. But other than that, he should be okay." 

 I stood there with a horrified expression on my face, not really sure as to what should I do. I felt my lower lip shaking along with my jaw, knowing the tears were coming in again. I tried to fight it but I couldn't. He wouldn't remember anything or anyone. He wouldn't remember Christopher. He's way too young to grow up with no parents. 

 "Thank you doctor." I wiped away the tears once more, hoping it would be for the final time, at least for today. "What's the time, may I ask?" 

 "It's about to be 12:30." 

 "Okay, thank you." I thanked and the doctor left, saying a goodbye to me. 

 I walked ower to the mirror hung up on the wall across Ed's bed and fixed my make up and hair. The tears have ruined everything, I looked like a mess. My make-up being messed all over my face, mascara stains falling down my cheeks and my red lipstick was also everywhere. Gosh, how did I managed to get my lipstick on my forehead? Someone please explain. I wasn't really sure whether I wanted to wait the whole day until Ed wakes up and not remember me so I walked over to the nursery and asked her for a sheet of paper and a pen. I scribbed down the letter and handed it to the nurse, asking her to gave it to Edward when he wakes up. And with that? I left. Normal people would leave like a normal person, slowly and formaly but I literally ran out dramatically. 

 I stood on the sidewalk as it started to rain. I remembered that I needed to pick up Alison and Christopher, who wouldn't have no way to get home now, from school but I didn't really had the car. I left it pulled over on the bakery's parking lot. Ugh, that was too far to walk and it was raining. Okay, let's call the cab. I hate cabs. Uh, whatever. I dialled the cab's number and they came to give me a ride off to the bakery. I payed and left. 

 During the drive to school, numerous thoughs were spinning in my mind. What was going to happen next? I guess I just need to act like Christopher is my own son, just yet. A song was playing in the radio that almost made me bawl my eyes out. I managed to stop that with the thought that I promised myself no more crying today, anymore. But Tim McGraw was just my favorite so I at least sang along. 

 I got out of the car, Alison running up to me immediately. "Mom! I didn't know you were coming for me today!" she cried excitedly as she hugged me.

 "Surprise." I hugged her back. "Um, where is Christopher?"

 "He is right there." she pointed to the school bus. No, he can't get it he can't.

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