Everything Has Changed - Chapter Seven

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I woke up, got dressed and took the kids to the bus stop. Christopher has been asking me what's wrong and what happened to Ed. Well, I had to tell him. And I did. The poor little boy cried so much but I told him that I will go and visit his dad to see how is he doing and if he is in the state of having his son get visited. Turned out Christopher ended up with nightmares and sleeping in my bed with me instead of in Alison's.

Well, though I couldn't go to the hospital just like that but had to work. I drove to the bakery I worked at and all the memories hit in. How Ed was involved in the car accident between two pair of teenagers, I really wanted to rip their heads of and smash them to something that would just be well, I don't know but let's say it wouldn't be nice and A LOT brutal. Kid's shouldn't be even able to see or read about it. Taylor Cruel Swift, yep that's me. Ahahaha. Sigh. I got out of the car and walked in.

"Where were you yesterday?!" my boss, Leighton spat on me just as my feet made their first step through the door.

"I texted you I can't come and I will explain further later." I answered confused.

"Yeah but I told you we were having the report yesterday and since you are our best baker, we needed you here. It was supposed to be in the New Yorker magazine and YOUR recipes would be in the best cooking magazines and recommended in Glamour." since when did they recommend recipes in Glamour magazine?

"But we ain't even from New York.." I said hesitantly.

"Exactly! But my husband wants to open branches all over the US and this would be the best opportunity for us. Even for you. Wouldn't you want to work in New York?"

"No. I'm happy where I am, thanks." living and working in New York wasn't what I wanted at all. I mean, New York is a beautiful city, of course, but I'm happy where I am, here in Nashville. With Ed.

"Where were you, Taylor? Your black toyota was parked infront of the bakery all day and I saw you running in the rain to it after a cab kiked you out in here and then you drove off."

Well, what should I tell her? She knows I don't have a boyfriend ever since Jake dumped me because of the pregnancy. So telling her 'my boyfriend got involved in the car crash happening this morning, i spent the whole day there and I'm not even sure if he has woke up or remember me' wouldn't really be good idea if I didn't want to be interviewed about it. He isn't my boyfriend even. But well according to-

"You've got a boyfriend?!" Leighton squeeled and jumped over to hug me. Wow I said it out loud?

"We're not dating." I said and took a little flashback to Tuesday's night when we texted. "But we are not friends either."

"I'm sure you will be together, soon. And I hope he gets better and remembers you, girl!" she said and playfully hit my arm.

"What happened with the report?"

"It got canceled but we moved it out to the 13th."

"Next Friday?! But I can't co..." I didn't even finish the sentense when I remembered that my date with Ed is canceled due to the fact that he is in hospital. "I'll be here." I smiled.


I gave a quick call to Mrs. Peterson, asking her to take care of Alison and one more little kid, who I am going to take care of for the next few days, while I need to take care of few things. She hesitated a little. Afterall, who could blame her? She is like.. eh 70 years old lady, but agreed anyway. I called on Alison's phone, letting her know that she will be staying over at Mrs. Peterson while I am away in the hospital. Alison doesn't really like her because she thinks that Anabella is just a little bit much into taking care of the kids and treats her like a doll. Let's just hope that they won't make a mess from her house.

I drove my way to the hospital and found the same doctor like yesterday, what was his name? Oh, Mr. Sommerson. I read it on the name tag, though. "Doctor Sommerson?"

He turned around. "May I help you, madam?"

"Um, you were operating my boyfriend yesterday. Ed Sheeran is it?"

"Oh right." he smiled at me. "He remembers you and everything. You can go see him."

"Thank you." I said as he turned around. "Wait, hold on a moment."


"His son, Christopher, I got him in my care for now, he would like to see him, can I bring him over sometimes?"

"Your boyfriend's state isn't that good that a little kid could see him but, if you wait few days, just like 2 or 3, I think he can come over." he said as he smiled at me.

"Thank you." was the two last words I spoke to him before he made his way away from the hospital and I made my own upstairs to where Ed's room was. I knocked the door and walked in.

Ed's head shot in my direction, eyes sparkling brightly and lips curling up into a smile. My footsteps made their way towards Ed's bed as he caught a hold of my hand, bringing me down to hug me. "Well, hello girlfriend." he chuckled as I blushed.

"You know I said it just for the doctors." I smiled, sitting down and not even thinking about letting his hand go.

"Did you, really?"

"Yes." Well, not really. I really felt different about him.

"I read the letter Taylor and I understood it, you don't have to be in denial."

Blush. Damn it. "Eh, whatever." I looked at the ground, my eyes not wanting to meet his.

He lifted my hand a little, just to entertwine our fingers. "But I can tell you that.. It surely is double-sided." he said, smiling at me.

I looked him in the eyes, not really expecting him to say what he did. But it felt just amazing. He brought his hand up to me, behind my head and brought it down. I didn't hesitate a moment, leaning in. When we were THIS close, our lips brushing over each other's the nurse came in. Without knocking, really.. We were so close from our first kiss and she breaks it off like it is nothing? What?

"Ehm.. I'm sorry. Your pills are here, Mr. Sheeran." she placed them on the table and left.

Ed looked at her and then at me, laughing sligtly. "Where did we end?"

"I don't know, you must remind me." I said jokingly as he brought my head down again and this time pressed his lips on mine.

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