Everything Has Changed - Chapter Eighteen

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We were back to the hotel right now and I am just sitting by the window, looking at the night Nashville, listening to the honks belonging to the mad people driving their cars.

"Taylor, you should go to sleep," Jake said as he entered the living room. I took a glance at him but ignored him and continued staring out the window. "Hey listen to me. Taylor, Taylor, just please listen to me, I-"

"You what, Jake?!" I cut him off "You what?! You are sorry for doing this to me, I know, I know, you said that hundreds of times already. But do you think I'm going to just let it go after you take my daughter away? Well think again."

He just nod and said his last words, "Alright. Please go sleep, we need to get away in 4 hours so we can go to Nashville, get some of your things and come back to Hendersonville to catch the flight."

With a sigh, I got up from where I was sitting at and went right over to the kitchen, where I placed my now empty cup of tea and just fell asleep on the couch. Thinking of no one else than Ed and Alison. This is going to be SO much hell. I don't want to ever live without them. I can't even.

The next morning, Jake woke me up with a break fast next to me at like, 5 in the morning. "Hurry up we need to leave in 20 minutes." he said as I took a bite of the sandwich he made for me. Well, I think he did. I mean, who would be up at 5 am to make breakfast for people that are here in this hotel.

Anyway, I ate my sandwiches, drank the coffee and walked over to the bathroom to wash my face and teeth. Just then I remembered that I don't even have a tooth brush. Great.

"Jake? Do you have some Chewing Gum? I don't have any tooth brush." I yelled.

"I have 'em in my car!"

I took a deep breath and walked out to meet him, ready to go.

After few minutes, we were in Nashville, packing my things. I couldn't believe I am actually doing this, leaving everything I have for the one that destroyed my life. It is so hard.

"Okay, I have everything, we can go." I said, throwing the luggages in his truck.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

No, I don't have my boyfriend, my cat, my boyfriend's son and most of all. I don't have my daughter. Thanks to you. "Yes," I lied with a fake smile.

"How about your guitar? Didn't you forget it?" he asked with an amused smirk on his face.

"I believe not." I lied again. Well, I didn't really lie. I was leaving it out to Alison and Ed.

"Go take it."


"Taylor, go. You'll regret not taking it."

Letting out a groan, I ran upstairs and packed both of my guitars. If I am taking one, I have to take the other. That's an obsession of mine.

I was just about to leave the room when I noticed the piano sitting in the corner of my bedroom. I dropped the guitars carefully and walked over to it, opening it. I sat behind it and tied my hair in a messy bun, placing my fingers on the keys and started to play.

If I should stay, I'll be on your way. So I'll go but I know I'll think of you every step of the way.

And I'll always love you, I will always love you. You, my darling. Hmm..

I could feel the tears rolling down my eyes as I continued to play the notes. I believe I could hear some footsteps but I ignored it really. 

Bittersweet memories that is all I'm taking with me. So goodbye please don't cry. We both know I'm not what you need. 

And I'll always love you, I will al-

"Taylor we really need to go or we won't catch the flight."

I cleared the tears on my face, closed the piano and walked downstairs with my IPod in hands and stuffling the earphones in my ears to let Whitney Houston carry me away from him.


Hello I know it's short but I'll try to douple update, eh? :)

Anyway, I really am sorry for my lack of updates but let's say I've really got no time.

I'll never stop loving you guys. I love you ALL so much.

You too Angel ;)


Anne x

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