Chapter 11 - How the Mighty Fall in Love

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Patrick Stump

I couldn't be more eager to get off the stage that night. We were going to a hotel tonight, which meant I would get to spent the entire night and most of the next morning with Lily. I had spoken to Andy about it this morning, before we all decided who was rooming with who, and we had decided to tell the guys that since they wanted to go out to drink and neither of us wanted to, it would just make more sense. Pete didn't seem too worried about it, and neither did Joe, so it seemed like I would be good to go, if we could all just hurry up and leave the venue already. There was no sign of Lily backstage, so I knew she was probably already out by the busses. Pete was being his usual slow self, and Joe was off talking to our openers, so I skipped out early and sprinted out to the busses.

Sure enough, Lily was sitting out on the curb, reading a book, like I had found her multiple times after shows. I walked up behind her and knelt down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She jumped in surprise, but as I slid my arms around her waist, she calmed and smiled at me. "Patrick," she breathed, turning in my arms to embrace me. I held her tight and we helped each other to our feet. When I let go of her, I glanced back at the venue doors to check that no one could see us, then looked back at her and kissed her, full on the mouth. She gasped in surprise, but quickly returned the kiss, reaching up to knot her fingers in my hair. She knocked my fedora off, but I didn't care. I forced myself to pull away all too soon, before anyone could see us, and bent down to get my hat. As I put it back on, Lily smiled at me, blushing. "I'll see you in an hour," she whispered, stretching up to kiss my cheek just in time before the venue doors opened and familiar voices drifted over to us.

"One hour," I agreed, winking at her before I turned to climb onto my bus. I jumped in the shower before any of the others could beat me to it, and by the time I got out, we were already at the hotel. I went to my bunk to get dressed and grabbed my things, passing Pete as he carried his things up front.

"Hey," he said, making me look up at him as I threw some clothes in an overnight bag. "Are you and Lily still not talking?"

I blushed a bit and looked down, trying to hide it. "Uhh...only when we have to, really," I told him, throwing my phone charger into my bag. I zipped it up and threw it over my shoulder, but Pete was still watching me.

"Yeah? It looked like you guys had been talking outside, before you got on the bus a little while ago."

"We were," I admitted, shrugging as if it didn't matter. "She asked me how the show was."

Pete nodded slowly, moving aside so I could move past him. He still didn't look like he believed me, but I wasn't going to argue with him; He'd find out soon enough anyways. And besides, I had someplace to be. I stormed into the hotel like a man on a mission, leaving Andy to check into our room for us, and sent a text to Lily to find out her room number. She answered immediately, and I quickly got on the elevator to head for the third floor. Her room was to the right, just a few doors down, and she opened the door the second I knocked.

I stepped inside and immediately enveloped her in a hug, squeezing her so tight that she was trying to get away from me. "Pat...rick..." she gasped, giggling as I loosened my grip a bit.

"I missed you," I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I just saw you an hour ago," she laughed, stretching up to peck my lips. I let her go and moved past her into the room to set my bag on the bed.

"I know," I said, "But still. I always miss you whenever I'm not with you."

I turned back to her and she stepped closer, sliding her arms around my waist. "That's sweet," she whispered, "And I missed you too."

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